Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fever, Mucus In Stool

Essence: Volume Boost Base Mascara

Finally comes the review on the basis of volumizing bought on The Essence Cosmetics House, there spoke here.

In many had asked me the features and eccovi il mio parere!

Vi consiglio assolutamente questa base.
Si applica prima del mascara e dona volume e corpo alle vostra ciglia.
Si tratta di una pasta bianca abbastanza densa,  al suo interno ci sono delle fibre sintetiche che donano, oltre al volume, anche lunghezza alle ciglia.
Lo scovolino è di media grandezza, non separa particolamente le ciglia nè le volumizza di per sè; cosa dona l'effetto finale è il mascara che applicherete dopo.

Bisogna avere particolari accorgimenti durante l'applicazione.
Innanzitutto non bisogna abbondare con le dosi, infatti applicando troppo prodotto le vostre ciglia rimarranno impastate e la subsequent drafting of the mascara will not be facilitated.
Secondly, we must not dry out too much base, so as to avoid friction face with the brush of mascara. Moreover, if the base dries it will form lumps in the cilia and the result will not be optimal.

I recommend it especially combined with mascara applied alone will not give you the desired effect, and I often got to buy volumizing mascara that really are not!
applying this product, it forms a shell around the eyelashes, their diameter increases and this creates a better basis.

The result is product with or without notice visibly.

Rating: 7 +

Another positive factor is the cost of only 2.25 pounds. I can not tell where to find this product anywhere in our stand of Italian Essence is not there.
The only site where I found it just The Cosmetic House.

I recommend this product, especially if like me you have lashes that do not want it to be volumizing!


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