Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does Elk Meat Stay Pink When Cooked?

How to... Ceretta Araba!

We girls are always struggling with unwanted hair that despite years of evolution have confirmed ACTUALLY be unnecessary, are not yet extinct, and recur with a frequency that is directly proportional to time and forbid that we have to eradicate it. Today I will show you
una piccola guida su come preparare in casa la ceretta araba .
La particolarità di questa ceretta è che si può preparare tranquillamente in casa, con ingredienti che tutti abbiamo nella nostra credenza, inoltre si conserva in barattoli, è riutilizzabile e sempre pronta all'uso!
Ah, altra cosa fondamentale, è super economica ed ecologica!

Per prepararla ci occorroro:
  • Un pochino di pazienza
  • Mezza tazzina di succo di limone 
  • 2 tazzine da caffè di zucchero
  • Un pentolino preferibilmente antiaderente
  • Un cucchiaio

First pour the sugar into the cups, which must not be overcrowded.
We transfer the amount obtained in our pan and squeeze the lemon, just half a cup!

Remove any seeds and pour the lemon juice in saucepan, mixing sugar.

At this point we put the pot on the fire smaller, high heat, stirring the mixture frequently.
After a few minutes will begin to form bubbles and the color becomes darker.

Keep stirring frequently, and after 9 minutes, reduce heat to low for another minute.
Turn off the heat and let cool.
To facilitate the removal of the compound from the warm pot, let cool inside with a spoon.

The compound should not cool completely, otherwise you will have prepared some simple lemon drops, very probably very hard.
Taking great care not to burn yourself, pull out some 'compost, helping with the spoon.

sure that is not too hot but at a temperature that lets you work with your hands.
when we saw the temperature, pull up the more successful product, always helping with the spoon.

Now comes the fun part: working!
E qui entra in gioco la pazienza.
Questo composto è infatti molto appiccicoso, essendo una ceretta, e vi si appiccicherà per bene alle mani.
All'inizio penserete che sono stata una pazza a insegnarvi questo procedimento oppure che qualcosa non va, che avete sbagliato qualche passaggio perchè vi sembrerà che questo "blob" si stia impossessando per sempre delle vostre mani.
Beh, non demordete e continuate a lavorarlo, aprendo e chiudendo la mano (facendo "ciao ciao"), oppure cercando di trasferirlo da una mano all'altra.
Vedrete che prima o poi riuscirete a farlo staccare e a creare una pallina, come questa.

Once the wax has this consistency strapazzarli need a little ', stretching and folding until no longer translucent but opaque and the texture will be more or less that of a chewing gum.
At that point, your wax is ready!
can be kept in a small jar with airtight and hold at room temperature, to have it ready for use.

But how do you use?
The thing that literally LOVE this wax is that there is no need nor paddles nor stripes of any kind, are only used your hands!

Take the necessary amount, the heat up a bit by working with your hands to give it the right consistency and spreads in the direction of hair growth and, away, tears against the grain!
is mixed again (not taking new wax) and proceed as described on all the areas that you need to shave.

just finished shaving rinse with plain warm water and any residue will come off easily, even on fabrics or walls, floors or furniture!
Basically it's just sugar, right? ^ _ ^

Once finished you can keep this wax (yes, even the already used) in your jar for a long time, the important thing is not to receive rapid changes in temperature or humidity, or change the texture and becomes unusable.

Many people to whom I recommended this wax were unable to prepare it, saying it remained too runny or too strong or not at all sticky.
To me, this method is coming from the first time, so I do not know where it can be any error.

In case you were not prepared, write them in the comments! ^_^/*


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