So?? Have you seen the first episode of School 2? So now I can reveal what's on the cover of the magazine Gambero Rosso of this month! Here the 16 students who passed the first test individual elimination!

If you want to know meglio i concorrenti e partecipare attivamente alle conversazione sul talent show abbiamo anche un gruppo dedicato su facebook e un blog ufficiale . Vi aspetto numerosi! Così magari arriva anche qualcuno a tifare per me! ;o))
Nella prima settimana ho passato la "scrematura" iniziale con il voto più alto e ne sono contentissima! Addirittura un 9 da Toni Brancatisano , la vincitrice della scorsa edizione, che mi ha perfino detto che se un giorno aprissi un ristorante, verrebbe a mangiare da me!!! Poi, due 8 da Allan Bay e dalla direttrice della Scuole del Gambero Rosso , Francesca Riganati, wow!!! ;o)) Spero di poter fare altrettanto well next week and be less agitated. It will be tough, but I'll try!
If anybody cares, below is the recipe of the dish that I did in the test.
for 2 people:
carrot puree:
5-6 fleshy
carrots 1 / 2 tablespoon butter
milk taste
nutmeg, freshly grated, to pleasure rooms
Cut the carrots into rounds and steamed until tender.
Pour into a blender jar. Add salt, nutmeg, butter and a dash of milk.
Blend and continue to add milk little by little until you reach a creamy consistency, or the one that pleases you.
keep them warm, preferably in a water bath.
Sliced \u200b\u200bpork with black pepper and soy:
250 grams of pork loin
3 cm ginger, sliced \u200b\u200b2 tablespoons
soy sauce (Kikkoman)
1 / 2 tablespoon
of sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch or flour
a touch of ' garlic, reduced in a cream
abundant black pepper, ground at the moment
1 / 4 of onion, cut in thin julienne
peanut oil
water salt to taste
Peel ginger and cut into slices. Crush them lightly with the blade of the knife and the palm of your hand.
Cut the loin into slices and assottigliatele with a meat mallet to a thickness of 3 mm. Help yourselves from a single slice at a time by covering it with foil so the meat is not discarded. Next, cut diagonally into strips.
Marinate the meat in a bowl with half the ginger, half the soy sauce, sugar, some pepper and a little oil. Massage it to better penetrate the dressing. Leave aside, it would be better for at least 30 minutes.
After the rest period, add the flour and stir so that it covers the meat evenly. Heat 2 tablespoons
good about oil in a frying pan or, better still, a wok.
Add the rest of the ginger and garlic cream. Be careful not to burn it.
Just feel the scent of cooked, add the rags and stir. Add the remaining soy sauce, plenty of black pepper and onion. Jump all vigorously.
The loin should not cook to long, it just takes the already cooked white. While the onions should be transparent, but still crunchy.
Finally, pour a little water, enough to create a fairly thick sauce. Since the flavor
is a subjective thing, you can adjust it to your liking with soy sauce or salt.
Serve hot with mashed carrots.
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