essential tools for cake decorating:
This is the Italian translation of an article appeared in the magazine "cakes and Sugarcraft.
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Once prepared the cake will be our time to decorate! A list of products, tools and equipment required for each specific project will be provided from time to time, but there are some basic tools that will be needed for most of these projects. You can find these products in shops specialized in the decoration or visit

To cover a cake:
1 Floor pan
2 non-stick rolling pin
3 non-slip mat
4 Powdered sugar in a jar dispenser
5 Tray
6 sugar paste (each project will show the color used and the required amount)
7 Boxcutter sharp
8 large spatula
9 "Spacers" (used to give the right depth to the dark when it is spread, the flux is spread between these two "sticks" to avoid depressions, giving a regular thickness)
10 Bags of plastic (eg freezer bags)
10 Bags of plastic (eg freezer bags)
11. Food Colors
addition (not shown):
pasta wheel cutter
A pastry brush
NB advisable to keep on hand: tape, ruler, glue stick non-toxic parchment paper and transfer to any decorative patterns. guide to edible products. What I use?

sugar paste (rolled fondant or sugarpaste)
ready to use paste that is usually used to cover the basics in sponge cake. It 'available in packs ready for use in various colors and
E’ un fondente resistente, antiaderente, ideale per modellare figure tridimensionali e da utilizzare negli stampi in silicone
Squires Kitchen sugar dough
Una pasta ideale per la modellazione, disponibile in una varietà di colori brillanti. Tiene molto bene la forma quando è asciutta ma rimane abbastanza morbida per essere consumata, per cui è perfetta per i bambini!
Flower paste
A paste ready to use ideal for the production of flowers and foglie.Può be rolled out very thin so it is suitable for very sensitive
Royal Icing (ice real)
A white compound consisting of egg white and powdered sugar ideal for covering rich fruit cake (cake typical Anglo-Saxon) or to use as a finishing layer on a cake already covered with marzipan. Can essere utilizzate per la realizzazione di finissime decorazioni utilizzando un conetto ed un beccuccio.
Una pasta morbida e soffice fatta di zucchero e mandorla che si utilizza per ricoprire la rich fruit cake o altrimenti il pan di spagna prima di applicare uno strato di ghiaccia reale. Può essere utilizzata anche per delle decorazioni modellate a mano, è molto utilizzata in pasticceria.
Crema al burro
A very soft compound that is normally used as a filling for cakes or English to coat the surface of the cake. It is usually used in a thin layer on the cake to adhere better to the sugar paste.
Using dyes
food colors on the market are basically of three types: powder, liquid, paste (or gel)
use a dry brush to create shades and flat on the surface of your work, you can also mix in a very alcoholic liquor (like vodka, I use the NS. Italianissimo GRAPPA !!!!) to get a color that dries quickly.
Ideal for painting details on sogggetti sugar paste can be used to color the ice real, but only if you need small amounts of color (for the soft colors and on)
In pasta:
are highly concentrated so ideal for coloring sugar paste and royal icing. Prelevatene a very small amount with the tip of a toothpick, "clean" for good by pushing the toothpick and spreading it over the dark or on ice (so that any color comes off well, and do not waste too much ....)
sure that the colors used, particularly glitter and sparkles (glitter) on the label bring back the word "edible" or "food"
All these products can be purchased online store for Squires-Kitchen: http : / /
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