Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Cheesecake di Crema Candita di Ricotta

This is a recipe that I'm very proud. Every time I prepare this dessert, I stand open-mouthed my guests. It will seem difficult only because of the presentation, but his two elements are very easy and quick to do. Since I have been generous to reveal my secret weapon, I wished that you citaste every time you make this cake! O)) for 8


3 eggs, at room temperature
105 grams of granulated sugar
75 grams of 00 flour, sifted 15 grams of
warm water
about 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

Whip the egg and sugar with an electric mixer for about 10 minutes until frothy and white. The consistency should be like a mousse and when you lift the whisk should leave a trace.
Add and mix the flour, a tablespoon at time. Stir gently with a spatula by movements from the bottom up. Finally, incorporate the water, always with the same movement.
Coated 2 plates measuring 30x40 cm with baking paper. With a brush, lightly grease it with oil. This prevents the cake from sticking too much.
Divide into two plates and try to widen it with the spatula to make a thin layer of 0.5 cm.
Bake in a convection oven preheated to 170 ° C for 8 minutes or until golden. Cool
apart without disconnecting. Take a pastry ring (or glass) of 8 cm diameter and 8 disks obtained from each plate.

candied ricotta cream
750 grams of fresh ricotta good quality
250 grams of mascarpone
125 gr powdered sugar + more for decoration
60 g candied tropical fruit (papaya and pineapple )
40 g candied orange + more for decoration
1 teaspoon orange flower water (optional)

Cut the candied fruit into cubes. In a large bowl, mix icing sugar with the mascarpone.
Pass the ricotta through a sieve with a mesh fine for 3 times. This process is very important to a creamy consistency and grainy, as with the ricotta.
Mix the ricotta and mascarpone with a whisk and try to assemble the cream to make it slightly softer.
Add the candied fruit and orange flower water, stir gently with a spatula from the bottom up.
The orange flower water gives it a special aroma that reminds me of the Middle East and southern Spain in the spring. You must use it sparingly, otherwise it becomes sickening. Alternatively, you can use the zest of an orange left untreated.
You can try this cream now, but it would be best to leave it in the refrigerator overnight before eating. In this way, the candied fruit will have time to soften and give more aroma to the soup.

Assemble the cheesecake at the last moment, just before serving. Recommend you purchase a ring cake. You can find it easily in the shops with affordable home. Take one or adjustable to 8 cm, in my opinion, is the ideal fit. It 's a worthwhile investment that will make you look good, not only to assemble the creamy desserts but also for other pieatanze Serve. Otherwise, patience, your cake will be nice but not will be good anyway.
Place the ring on the center of the plate and insert a disc of sponge cake. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cream, trying to distribute it well. Finish with another disk, with the golden hand upward. Gently press and pull the ring gently. Sprinkle the cheesecake with icing sugar and decorated with a few strips of candied orange.

This recipe was written for my new weekly kitchen. For two weeks I work with the site Udine20 : if you want, you can read me every Saturday there! : O))


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