Monday, February 14, 2011

Where To Install Tub Soap Dish

Nour: sapone di aleppo 30%

Today I reviewed in the product that is depopulating anywhere.
Before reading reviews about I had never heard of the properties of soap of Aleppo, and I was pleasantly surprised, therefore, thank the , especially the person of Stephen, for giving me the opportunity to try this product.

The mission of this company in Tuscany is very clear: \u0026lt; work and produce ethically, with full respect for the 'environment, people and cultures >.

This soap is made from oil of laurel and olive oil, artificial colorings, preservatives or fragrances added. Countless are its properties, is antibacterial, antioxidant, soothing, is not comedogenic.

As you know, the soap of Aleppo is available in three percent of laurel oil:
- 10% for all skin types and all uses;
- 30% for problem skin;
- 50% for leathers problems, use as a cosmetic anti-aging and massage.

There are countless possible uses.

For me, this product is officially entered into my daily cleaning of the face. I use it morning and evening (When I'm not removing make-up with Cleanse & Polish).
The first thing you notice is its high power washing, the skin is clean, dare I say it too! Absolutely does not irritate the skin, and after a month that the known improvements in elasticity and firmness. He's done wonders for my pores and points blacks, though helped me greatly to keep the skin clean.
The only flaws I found were the smell, very unique, pungent that not everyone may like, and the fact that it burns a lot if you keep your eyes open. It is therefore perfectly suited for operations struccaggio. You can work around this problem by simply keeping them closed!

other use that made me appreciate even more was to clean the brushes and sponges! Never clean them was so fast!
rub on the soap, make-up residue and rinse quickly disappear instantly!
with normal detergent or shampoo, brushes, especially with more body, take a long time to flush them but with this soap is a matter of seconds!
less time are more willing to wash, even every day!

This soap is also suitable for cleansing the body and hands!
I open a small parenthesis telling experience that took my mother. In fact, suffers from a rare form of erythema (in Actually I do not know whether that is the medical term) that affects the palms of the hands and for which they have not found a cure.
Washing your hands with this product, the situation is somewhat improved. The fact leave hands smoother and clearer. I'll definitely try the 50% solution of laurel and I will keep you updated.

If you have tried this soap, but do not bear the smell I suggest you try the liquid solution, only available with 30% of the time: the smell is certainly less strong!

These products are made in Syria and are not tested on animals. Here is the

INCI: Olea
* europaea fruit oil (58%), fruit oil * Laurus nobilis (30%), sodium hydroxide (10%), water (2%)
* from organic farming and agricolutra biospontanea.

are certified by ICEA, click here for more information!

Each cube consists of 200g of product, prices vary from € 4.50 to € 8.50 depending on the percentage.

Soon comes the review of shampoo, another excellent product!

Rating: 7 +

Ps: I want to emphasize that even if the product was sent to me for free what you just read is my personal opinion, which was not affected by the fact that I did not pay the product!
Trust me! :)


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