Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Big Bang Theory Megastreaming

Brasato di Maiale alle 5 Spezie e Mele

Con questo freddo che non vuole scansarsi dal Friuli, un vero e proprio piatto caldo ci sta proprio bene! Questo brasato è una mia "rivoluzione" di una pietanza cinese che mia nonna faceva spesso. Nella versione originale si usa la pancetta invece della lonza e le mele sono una mia aggiunta per rendere un po' europeo il piatto e per ottenere una salsa più dense. Then, we know that the pork and apples are happily married! The five spices
is nothing but a mixture of, in fact, five types of spice powder. You can find it in stores or Asian food, like other rare spices, order online. Go to E-bay and type in "Chinese Five-Spice Powder." Alternatively, you can mix and pulverize their own, in equal quantities, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, fennel seeds and Sichuan pepper. Even the latter can be ordered via the Internet or if you are willing to pay a bit 'more, in Udine can be found in a tea shop and spices in Piazza Matteotti. In the absence of the pepper, you can make the 4 spices Pig! O). You do not hear too much difference. But believe me, this pepper will know when you will learn to put it anywhere!

for 3-4 people

600 grams of pork loin
4 golden apples, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200b1 clove
' garlic, peeled and left whole
1 / 2 onion ,
chopped 1 stick of cinnamon
2 star anise flowers
3 cloves
5 spice 1 tablespoon black pepper

peanut oil
salt water

Grease the loin with a little 'oil and sprinkle with 1 / 2 tablespoon 5 spice, pepper, and salt. Massage to deploy and absorb the sauce. Let marinate in the refrigerator overnight if possible or at least half an hour.
After the interval of rest, warm up a bit 'of oil in large saucepan. The flame must be quite strong because the oil must be hot but not burned. That is, the oil must not reach its smoking point. The peanut is about 180 ° C. Do
brown entire surface of the loin. A long clamp should facilitate this task. When you are formed a golden crust and smooth, remove and set aside.
Reduce the heat and fry the garlic and onion to the pan where you browned the meat. Add a little 'oil if needed. When the onion is transparent and the garlic is golden, add another half teaspoon of 5 spice and all other spices. No need to remove the garlic, with the long cooking disfarà and sweeten the flavor.
Next, lightly saute the apples. Pepper and salt sparingly. You can always adjust the flavor to the end of cooking. Put the pork loin in the pan and pour water to cover the meat. Wait until the water takes the boil and cover.
Allow to cook gently for about 2 hours. Obviously, the more the cut of meat is bigger, the cooking time increases. Turn it from time to time. Your braised
is ready when the apples are reduced to pulp and the sauce has reduced. Let the loin to cool before cutting, otherwise it breaks.
Serve sliced \u200b\u200bwith mashed potatoes or soft polenta.


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