Friday, March 4, 2011

Winnie The Pooh Car Mats

Lemon Curd

Se Dio vuole, sta finendo l'inverno! Beh, anche se ieri ha nevicato! ;o)) Comunque, il bello di questo periodo è il fatto che trovo gli agrumi dappertutto! Sono i miei preferiti; non importa se sono limoni, lime, arance, mandarini o kumquat : mi piacciono tutti! Quindi, in questi giorni mi sto dedicando alla preparazione delle conserve di questi frutti per poterli assaporare tutto l'anno. Per la marmellata orange, I always use this recipe . While there is one thing that intrigues me very citrusy, though I've never tried it, is the lemon curd. It 'time to do it!
Since it is a lemon cream of the English tradition, I went immediately to find the recipe on the site and the magazine Nigella Olive . For now, I was never disappointed. Then, I remember that Sigrid ago different types of curd and went to peek at even the recipe. This will find below is a compromise, a cut and paste between the three that I read. I must say I'm satisfied with the result. The lemon curd is a great filling for tarts and is good for spreading on scones and muffins, or why not try to mix it with custard or vanilla ice cream. I also eat a kennel, so alone! : O))

for 2 cans of 300 gr 250 gr

sugar 125 gr butter
3 organic lemons, juice (100 ml approx.)
and zest 2 eggs + 1 whole egg

Melt the butter in a double boiler with the lemon rind, finely grated. The Microplane is perfect for the purpose.
In another bowl, beat eggs and mix together with sugar. Add the lemon juice flush, always beating with a whisk, until smooth emulsion.
Combine the melted butter. Then, stir and cook, always in a water bath, until the cream will thicken.
Pour the lemon curd in hot sterilized jars and leave to cool.
Keep refrigerated and consumed within a month.


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