Monday, March 7, 2011

Freaky Mind Reading Games

Royal Effem: Dual Highlighter

Today we speak of a brand that did not know, the Royal Effem.
This is an Italian brand founded in 1950, with much success in the UK.
Produce high quality, fully made in Italy style, using high quality raw materials, taking care of every detail in the packaging and the texture of various products.

For more information check out the site Italian and their official page Facebook.

start our review of this illuminating blush duo consists of a crescent and a cream powder.
The package says to use the first part and then the creamy powder, which is perfectly adherent to the skin and has an optimal duration of drying. Personally I use it even reversing the steps and the result is still optimal.

The powder is very thin, the color is pretty clear, very delicate, creamy and deeply pigmented part of a beautiful fuchsia with hints of gold, needs attention during application because they could overdo the color.

Partendo da sinistra ho swatchato la parte in crema, quella in polvere e in ultimo ho mixato i due prodotti.
Come potete costatare dalle due foto donano una luminosità bellissima.

Questo prodotto è consigliato per l'estate, o comunque tutto l'anno per chi ha le pelli medie e scure.
Le ragazze che come me hanno la pelle chiara devono fare attenzione alle dosi.
Ricordate che i prodotti illuminanti non sono consigliati sulle pelli impure con imperfezioni, in quando le evidenzierebbero tantissimo.

La durata è molto buona e sono facilmente sfumabili.

Questo prodotto I have reviewed is only visible on the official website English, then I infer that it is out of production in Italy.

I've bought a perfume shop in Turin, selling products at substantial discounts , at a price of 9 €, looking on the internet should be the official price of 29 €. I'm not sure, however, if anyone has additional information let me know!

in addition to some perfumes, this brand is distributed in Coin, look in your town!
You can also buy from the site of e-commerce brand of English, as well cosmetic skin although shipping costs are expensive, 12, 95 pounds.

rating: 7

This product in particular I really liked, I will come in handy when my skin is more tanned (hopefully!).
I am curious to try other products in this brand!

You have some product of the Royal Effem?


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