Friday, March 11, 2011

Multiplication Table Chart To 100x100

Madina: Universal Magnetic Palette Bivalve

Ecco a voi la mia review sulla famosa palette magnetica di Madina.

Si tratta di un "contenitore" dotato di una calamita, studiato appositamente per contenere le cialde di Madina o di qualsiasi altra marca.

La palette si presenta di colore nero, con il logo di Madina al centro. E' fatta di cartone plastificato, anche se l'avrei preferita di plastica è comunque solida e resistente.

La cosa principale che la differenzia dalle palette di Mac o di Film Maquillage, a parte il materiale, è il suo spessore, in quando risulta essere abbastanza voluminosa. Le dimensioni esterne sono di 15x21,5x20h mm, mentre quelle interne sono di 12,1x18,5x4h mm.

L'interno consists of a magnetic base that allows the total membership of the pod: I remind you that, with regard to Madina, only some are suitable for bivalve, it's smart eyeshadow, being wet & dry, not the magnetic part.

Here is a possible solution for use with products Madina:

hours I spend two words on the pods. I find a high quality, and are not mealy scriventissime.
You can find a number of finish, from matte to satin shimmer through it.
The cost is then negligible, 1.50 € each. Here are some


Unfortunately I can not tell you any numbers because some of my pods are unreadable, I wrote all those that have managed to recover (sm stands for smart eyeshadow)

In general, this palette can include:
- 15 pods of 36mm (Madina, Kiko-pods is that color-sphere, Essence, etc.)
- 28 wafers from 26 mm (Mac)

In this picture I show you a trick to increase the number of eye shadow to his internal (thanks Berlandina !). Bastari it off the inside edge of cardboard, which is easy to raise, increasing from 15 to 18 pods with 36mm of eye shadow.

Here is the solution with eyeshadows mainly Kiko (perfect palette for this because with magnet)

Aesthetically you see the white part that was covered by the frame, but I prefer the convenience!

The cost of this empty palette is € 9.90 and I assure you that is one of the lowest prices for this product category, especially in Italy!

Rating: 7 / 8

I recommend it, especially if like me you have little space to devote to your eye shadow!

you have you buy it?


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