Monday, March 7, 2011

20 Dollar Fingerboard

Gamberi Scottati su Salsa di Zucchina al Basilico

Questo è il piatto creativo del quinto episodio, beh, non esattamente. Nella foto vedete il piatto rifatto a casa senza la tensione che blocca cervello e mani! Non voglio far brutta figura a mettere la versione più disordinata! ;o)) Il tema era i crostacei e lo chef ospite era Gioacchino Pontrelli del ristorante Lorenzo a Forte dei Marmi, Lucca. Sulla sua bravura lascio la parola experts; Scattidigusto and Luciano Pignataro. You will see that you now wish to book a holiday in the seaside resort, only to be able to go to sample its delights!
Back to us, once again our dish has been very successful. : ((Tania and I would have liked to win with at least one episode and thought we could do with this dish that we really liked it. Alas, the rest were our best and the dish was not perfect. There were some areas where improvement that we were not satisfied at all. Whatever the case, we are proud to be still in the race, hell, we are one of the three women left! As always, you can find the recipe below is modified, taking into account the errors and opinions of the jury. Ah, the original version we used the red shrimp, be patient if I have changed the most humble shrimp! O)

for 2 people

6 prawns / shrimp
2 small zucchini
10 leaves of basil
1 small potato
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
a micro-tip 's
garlic salt pepper

extra virgin olive

Peel the prawns and remove the intestines. Make an incision along the back and open them like a book. Put aside.
Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan with the garlic. When the garlic is golden, remove. Toast the breadcrumbs and then browned in this ointment. Salt lightly.
Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Arrange in a steamer. Cut zucchini in half cubes, more or less the same amount of potato, do not take the central water. It also has the diced zucchini in the steamer. Both slightly salted vegetables.
Cut the remaining zucchini slices. Heat a little oil in a small saucepan and add the zucchini. Add salt and pepper and add a little water. Finally, cover the pan so that they continue to cook with steam.
Remove from heat when the color turns bright green. The zucchini should be cooked but still crunchy.
in a beaker for the blender, add the basil and blend. Man hand, pour a little water to flush, until you reach the desired thickness. Season with salt.
Lightly grease the shrimp and let them burn, face down in a pan, previously heated. Press them gently to prevent it from curling too much. Just a few moments.
When they start to become opaque, turn, and then sear the other side for a few seconds. Immediately remove from the pan, otherwise you will overcook, and salt. Do you have a mirror
zucchini with basil sauce al centro di un piatto. Adagiate 3 gamberi per ogni piatto (a pancia in giù) e fate cadere qualche tocchetto di zucchina e patata a dadini sulla salsa. Infine, cospargete sopra ogni gambero il pangrattato e decorate con una foglia di basilico al centro.


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