Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Does The Maculopapular Hiv Rash Look Like

Kiko: Kaleidoscopic Optical Look Collection

Yes, I speak also of the limited collection, the latest in home output Kiko.
Let me tell you, finally a nice collection!
Recently, Mr. Kiko had become a little repetitive and banal in choosing the products of limited editions, finally something new!

The Kaleidoscopic Collection of games based on color, texture unknown in this brand, products designed to withstand all day on our face.

Here's what I got:
Let's start with a product already known that many of us have fallen in love: the long lasting eyeshadow stick.
are seven new releases in unusual colors of these very writers and cream eye shadows last.
The colorazione che ho scelto è il Light Taupe, un tortora molto chiaro. Applicato sulla palpebra sembra addirittura un nude!
Mi piace molto perchè schiarisce la palpebra e la illumina! La durata e la comodità di applicazione sono senza dubbio caratteristiche positive.

Voto: 7
Lo swatch dal vivo è lievemente più scuro, in generale potete comunque notare che è un colore molto delicato.
Il costo è di 6,90€.

Una piccola informazione, provando il Passion Fruit in negozio mi sono accorta che è similissimo ad un aqua cream di Mufe in mio possesso, il numero 5! Se volevate comprarlo vi consiglio questo di Kiko, è just dupe at a lower cost!

If you follow me for a while you know my obsession with colors for lips!
is a marker for long-term.
The texture is very liquid, but it is also easy to apply. Much better than the color for the lips of Peggy Sage that I have reviewed here
course tends to dry lips (I give up, it's a fact! There is no color that does not dry), however, applied over a moisturizing the lips cocoa butter, the result is good.
The color is full and intense, but the use of lip balm or gloss decreases the duration of the dye, which is still di circa 4h (per me è un risultato abbastanza miracoloso).
Il colore che ho scelto è lo 04 Deep Pink e costa 6,90€. Le tonalità disponibili sono 4, una discreta gamma di colori.

Voto: 6

Altra novità sono gli ombretti. Gli water eyeshadow hanno un aspetto tridimensionale pazzesco, possono essere usati asciutti e bagnati.
Ogni colorazione è intensissima, tutti shimmer oppure satinati, delle 12 colorazioni presenti non ci sono texture matte.

A destra il prodotto è stato applicato wet, but as you can see the application of dry (left) is no joke in terms of pigmentation.
The cost is € 8.90, higher than the other eye shadows Kiko but still good quality.

Rating: 7 +

The only thing that gives me some discomfort is to pack size, takes up a lot of space! Heck my bathroom is imploding!

Another product innovation is the Water Blush.
It is a liquid, never tried in the form of blush!
E 'form, you can get a hint of color, but overlaying several layers of color you can get a stronger look.
It 'easy to shadow them, especially when compared to cream products.
hard enough on the cheeks and gives a very natural effect.
I chose the color that I think is the most original, Mandarin Fizz, a coral orange perfect for summer.
As you can see only one pass, the effect is very sheer, but with multiple overlapping past the color intensifies!

rating: 7 -

With regard to the rest of the collection will not recommend the angled brush, too often, eyeliner instead have special colors, although I have heard negative opinions on the stock. Look lipsticks, especially the pink moisturizer semi-permanent!

What do you think of this collection?



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