Friday, March 11, 2011

Multiplication Table Chart To 100x100

Madina: Universal Magnetic Palette Bivalve

Ecco a voi la mia review sulla famosa palette magnetica di Madina.

Si tratta di un "contenitore" dotato di una calamita, studiato appositamente per contenere le cialde di Madina o di qualsiasi altra marca.

La palette si presenta di colore nero, con il logo di Madina al centro. E' fatta di cartone plastificato, anche se l'avrei preferita di plastica è comunque solida e resistente.

La cosa principale che la differenzia dalle palette di Mac o di Film Maquillage, a parte il materiale, è il suo spessore, in quando risulta essere abbastanza voluminosa. Le dimensioni esterne sono di 15x21,5x20h mm, mentre quelle interne sono di 12,1x18,5x4h mm.

L'interno consists of a magnetic base that allows the total membership of the pod: I remind you that, with regard to Madina, only some are suitable for bivalve, it's smart eyeshadow, being wet & dry, not the magnetic part.

Here is a possible solution for use with products Madina:

hours I spend two words on the pods. I find a high quality, and are not mealy scriventissime.
You can find a number of finish, from matte to satin shimmer through it.
The cost is then negligible, 1.50 € each. Here are some


Unfortunately I can not tell you any numbers because some of my pods are unreadable, I wrote all those that have managed to recover (sm stands for smart eyeshadow)

In general, this palette can include:
- 15 pods of 36mm (Madina, Kiko-pods is that color-sphere, Essence, etc.)
- 28 wafers from 26 mm (Mac)

In this picture I show you a trick to increase the number of eye shadow to his internal (thanks Berlandina !). Bastari it off the inside edge of cardboard, which is easy to raise, increasing from 15 to 18 pods with 36mm of eye shadow.

Here is the solution with eyeshadows mainly Kiko (perfect palette for this because with magnet)

Aesthetically you see the white part that was covered by the frame, but I prefer the convenience!

The cost of this empty palette is € 9.90 and I assure you that is one of the lowest prices for this product category, especially in Italy!

Rating: 7 / 8

I recommend it, especially if like me you have little space to devote to your eye shadow!

you have you buy it?

Im Lookin For U Quotes


Questi giorni sono un pò indaffarata, a volte ricordo solo all'ultimo momento che forse è giunto il momento di pranzare! Quando la fame attacca ma non ho tanto tempo per mangiare, questa piadina stile messicano, ovvero la quesadilla , è ideale. Si prepara in pochissimo tempo dato che quasi non si cucina, con gli ingredienti che (quasi sempre) ho in frigo. E' molto comoda anche da consumare davanti al computer e, se volete, da portare in ufficio. In questo caso, sarebbe meglio riscaldare la piadina nel microonde, altrimenti perdete la bellezza del formaggio filante.

per 4 quesadillas:

1 pacco di tortillas di 8 pezzi
1 pacco di 250 gr di cheddar o scamorza , a fette
4 friggitelli
4 pomodori secchi
un pizzico di coriandolo in polvere
qualche foglia di coriandolo fresco (se c'è, altrimenti saltatela)

Tagliate i friggitelli e i pomodori secchi a dadini e tritate il coriandolo fresco. Mescolateli in una ciotola assieme a un pizzico di coriandolo. Dividete in 4.
Adagiate una foglia di tortilla su una griglia di ghisa già calda e cospargete di 1/4 del trito di friggitelli e pomodori.
Appoggiate 2-3 fette di cheddar e coprite con un'altra foglia di tortilla.
Quando il formaggio sarà sciolto, girate per far dorare ambi i lati della quesadilla.
Do the same with the other three tortillas.

enough for 4 people in diet and 2 very hungry people. O))

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ipod Touch Metal Detector

W7: Secret Concealer Kit

Today I bought for my reviews a corrective order from The House cosmetics.
This is a product of W7, a British brand really low cost. Turning on the web I noticed that it tends to copy the products from the brands prestigione, such as Bobbi Brow, the Mufe or Benefit, even if he succeeds in packaging, product quality is definitely lower.

This particular product is a kit made at the top, two pods of concealer, a light salmon and cover dark circles and other flesh-colored, while emptying the cap there is a translucent powder fixative.

The idea is cute (even if it was not Mr. W7) and the packaging is convenient.

As for the correction I have to say that there are excellent: they are too oily and so do not fix well on the eyelid, the other is the serious lack coverage, relatively low for a product whose primary function is to cover imperfections.
As you can see in the picture also the texture is very dense, very suitable for a concealer.

staining salmon helps to illuminate the eye area but do not solve the problem if you have dark circles marked, but the tone is too dark naked for my complexion, and then in general the light skin.
powder fixative is instead a great product, helps to counteract the oiliness of these markers is properly set, but what you can give any powder in your possession. It contains the first places Inca talc, mica and silica.

Here's the swatch on the hand, where you can see the finish transparent enough, especially once the gradient across the face.

Finally, I show the original, here is the Bobbi Brown concealer kit, reminds you of something?

Rating: 5

Ultimately they are forced to mouth, a correction must cover, period.
consoling factor is price, because I only paid £ 2.99.
You can find this brand in several Italian sites, as Mybodysoul, Madame Cosmetics, Makeup Love, e-commerce sites on English and on ebay.

I do not recommend this product, even if you take away nothing will stop him if you want to try a whim, I certainly continue to use it, especially when I need a cover does not exist!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Boat Salvage Yard , Los Angeles

Naj Oleari: ombretti e all over

Today we welcome a champion that was given to me in a perfume! We complain
always stingy that some contracts, this time I was lucky, especially because I was able to try a brand that I knew that there but I've never seen you around in perfume.
As you can see from the picture, the face of the champ! There are three small pods of eyeshadow, from left an all-over and two eyeshadows.

The pigmentation of the Duet No. 56 copper is very high. Personally I use it as eye shadow and has positive effect, expect to have a pale complexion not to use it as illuminating his face.
Eyeshadow # 11 White is also very writer, is a beautiful white pearl came out very similar to the LE of Essence, Black & White, reviewed here. Last
eyeshadow you see is what convinced me less, is just writing, just leave a purple patina but the effect makes you livid.
Unfortunately I could not find on the Internet general information on the make-up products of this brand. On site
fact do not see the cosmetic section.
I sent an email to inquire about it and I was politely told that we must turn to for cosmetic Euroitalia in the province of Milan!

I therefore ask you, you know this brand? In that perfumes can be found?


San Francisco Male Brazilian Wax

Torta Frangipane alle Mele e Limone Candito

This cake originally from France (apparently it was created by an Italian, Mr. Frangipane, in Paris) is one of those cakes that I do when I do not want to put myself to read a recipe. I imagine that there are different versions And only some people use to wrap the pastry, there are those who use the pastry. I always use this recipe because it is very easy to remember, even for a wandering mind like mine! , P but I do not remember from where or by whom, I got it, I think it is a formula now firmly and handed down through generations like that of the four-quarter .
The batter usually add cinnamon, almond or lemon zest. This time I used candied lemon zest that was made by me spaghetti recipe a few posts ago. I must say that the result is very good and most fragrant. See if you're in the mood or not to do this extra work. In addition to mele, potete fare la frangipane anche con le pere e, perché no, le banane.

per circa 8 porzioni

3 mele golden

1 rotolo di pasta sfoglia (230 gr)

2 uova

100 gr di zucchero semolato
100 gr di farina di mandorle *

100 gr di farina 00

10 gr di lievito per dolci

100 gr di burro sciolto

1 cucchiaio di zucchero di canna grezzo

la scorza di un limone candita 

Beat eggs and sugar just to loosen the grains, no need to mount the compound. Then, add the almond flour and stir.
Next, add the flour and baking powder, sifted together previously.
Finally, stir in the butter and lemon zest. If the idea of \u200b\u200bpresentation in the photos you like, leave a little 'zest aside for decoration.
Unroll the pastry and let it join with its wax paper on a tart with a removable bottom. This type of mold will facilitate the extraction. Having a puff pastry square, I used a square mold. If you took the roundabout, choose accordingly.
Bucherellatela con una forchetta, anche sui bordi, per evitare che la sfoglia si sollevi durante la cottura.
 Versate il composto di mandorla e spalmate bene su tutta la superficie della sfoglia.

Sbucciate e tagliate le mele a spicchi di 1 cm circa e sistematele sopra la crema, premendole leggermente.

Cospargete lo zucchero di canna sulle mele e infornate a 200°C (ventilato). Dopo circa 15 minuti, più o meno a metà cottura, abbassate il forno a 175°C. Continuate a cuocere la torta fino a quando la torta sarà dorata e le mele saranno morbide. Ci vogliono altri 15-20 minuti circa.

Lasciate che si raffreddi leggermente prima di tagliarla con il coltello seghettato.

* Se non riuscite a trovare la farina di mandorle, potete usare le mandorle pelate e riducetele in polvere con il cutter / il robot da cucina. Io la faccio in questo modo, ho questo sminuzzatore che funziona divinamente.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Does Denise Milani Pose Topless

A scuola di cake decorating con Squires Kitchen - Tecniche base: La rosa di Paddi Clark

Here the usual monthly appointment for the translation of articles Squires Kitchen.
This time we speak of the rose. This tutorial is based on the book "Sugar Flowers for Beginners" by Paddi Clark (B. Dutton Publishing). This is the link to buy the book:

Rose Paddi Clark

There are several ways to make sugar roses. The one shown here is called "method in all uno" e prevede l'utilizzo di uno stampino per fiore a 5 petali. Può essere utilizzato per realizzare rose di ogni dimensione, semplicemente modificando la misura dello stampino. Troverete inoltre le istruzioni per realizzare una rosa a grandezza naturale, se desiderate presentare come singola decorazione un unico fiore.

La Rosa: il significato - rosso= amore, giallo= gioia, rosa=ammirazione, bianco=purezza, arancione=fascino, lavanda= icanto, pesca=modestia

Rosa Genus


Confectioner's glaze squires kitchen (è un liquido che serve per lucidare foglie e petali).

Colla edibile Squires Kitchen

Sugar florist paste Squires Kitchen in the following colors: Holly / Ivy (green leaf), Pale pink (pale pink), white (white) professional dust

Squires Kitchen food colors (food color powder) in the following colors: Cyclamen (cyclamen red) edelweiss, Holly / Ivy, Vine.

White vegetable fat (vegetable fat that is used to paste the florist not to paste the working surface, in Italy you can find the Crisco)


Ball tool (atrezzo end with spherical shape and thin petals and leaves

molds in the shape of flower petals to 5 No F6 (or FC6 for a pink-size, to make a single rose)

Stencil-shaped cup (calix cutter) R11 (small) or R11E (big, single pink)

Celstick (atrezzo similar to a plastic toothpick to shape the petals)


florist green ribbon (Floristry green tape) by florist

Ferretto No 24 white (n wite Floristry wire-24 gauge)

set n. Two panels of foam (foam pads set of 2)

Squires Kitchen Glaze cleaner (for cleaning brushes used by the edible glue)

Venator for Tea Rose petal pink large (Squires Kitchen great impression large leaf tea roses veiner)
former polystyrene (polystyrene concave shape where the supports flower to dry, giving the shape of the flower) or you can use trays of apples packed in polystyrene. No single petal mold

550/549 (only required for the rose to greatness natual)

Worktop stick (rolling board)

rolling pin (preferably nonstick)

leaf mold

silk veining tool (atrezzo a plastic tip that draws the grain silk is used to shape the petals)


For the center of the rose:

Fold one end of a hook bra by No florist 24. Molded cone a small amount of pale pink Sugar florist paste, making sure that the cone is the same height and size of the petal that we will use stencil.

2 Brush a bit of edible glue the hook of the bra and put it at the base of the cone. Press with your fingers on the base of the cone to stick the dough to the fret. At the moment by putting it to dry.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 to make all the centers that we need for our project.


3 Sprinkle with Crisco a part of the work surface, then apply a small amount of pasta Sugra florist pink. The thickness deve'essere thin enough.

Lift the dough and place it on the floor with Crisco and implement a series of 5-petalled flowers with a special mold (use the stencil to the larger-sized pink)

4 Place the petals on the panel rubber feather ball and use the tool to thin the profile of the petals, passing the tool to the profile of each petal, brush the glue to the center of the flower and then pass through the center of the cone flower we have done previously, the wire will through the flower and through the foam. Place the plan on a foam cup or a bowl in order to contain the wires coming out from under the rubber feather, and then to work on a stable surface and have both hands free to work on the rose.

5 Brush the glue on the base of a petal (from the base to the middle of the petal. Adhere the base of the petal to the cone and slowly ascend to the petal and wrap around the cone. Now cone is no longer visible. Skipping a petal and repeat the same with the third petal that will be on the side opposite to the first petal and then completely cover our cone.

6 Brush with glue only the left side of the remaining 3 petals. Paste the first of these to bloom at the same level of the other, leaving the right side of the petal detached from the bud. Put the petal after petal opening just below the previous and repeat with the last petal.

7 Fold gently into the outer part of the petal that remains open, having the "flagship" top of the petal to the same height as the other, and folding as part of the petal that opens more and more to the base of the petal, to give a spiral effect

8 To make a bud about to unfold you can set the calyx (sepals) of the flower at this point (see paragraph 16)

9 Mix together the same amount of florist white pulp and rosa pallido, per ottenere un colore più tenue... Prelevare una piccola quantità di pasta (riporre il resto in un sacchetto di plastica per evitare che si secchi), stenderla sul piano di lavoro e ricavare un altro fiore a 5 petali con l'apposito stampo. Rimuovere 2 petali (uno opposto all'altro) assottigliare il profilo dei rimanenti 3 petali con il ball tool. N.B. Non allungate i petali mentre premete perchè devono mantenere la stessa grandezza dei precedenti. Praticate un movimento rotatorio con il bass toll all'interno del petalo in modo da renderlo concavo.

10 Firare il petalo dalla parte opposta e con l'aiuto di uno stuzzicadenti ripiegare le estremità del petalo, partendo dal centro e scendendo fino a metà di ogni lato. (See photo). Place the flower petals on the former and allow to dry partially until they take shape.

11 Brush glue on the basis of the edible bud and secure the three petals of the flower at the base, passing through the wire. Ensure that these petals are raised and quite detached from the bud. To make a pink semi-open at this point you can attack the calyx (sepals) at the base of the rose.

12 Mix the sugar paste flower that we had kept aside the same amount of white flower paste and spread it very thin this time. Cut a shape from 5 petals. Thin each petal and press firmly in all directions with the ball tool to enlarge the flower.

inside, with a twist to make each petal concave. Turn over and fold the petals out the profiles of the petals as before, always helping us with a toothpick. former position in the flower petals will not be until partially dry and keep its shape.

13 Brush glue at the base of our company. Rose then put the bud with the wires passing through the center of the last five petals. Turn the flower upside down and gently place the petals, fixing them well and making sure that these last few are in a position offset from the previous three petals. The petals overlap them earlier but not cover them completely. Press delicatamente sulla base degli ultimi petali per fissarli per bene ma facendo in modo che restino comunque sollevati e ben aperti.

14 Se deciderete di realizzare una rosa a gradezza naturale (che dovrà essere preferibilmente usata come singola decorazione) realizzate utleriori petali che verranno montati singolarmente su ferretto. Utilizzate le due misure di stampini indicate in precedenza.

Inserite il ferretto nei petali singoli utilizzando il metodo che preferite quindi "venate" e modellatene il profilo come spiegato in precedenza.

Curvare delicatamente la base di questi petali e lasciarli asciugare parzialmente finchè non terranno la forma. Fissare i petali più piccoli attorno al fiore con del nastro from a florist, then also enter the petals larger than the previous intervals. Attach the petals with the tape, one at a time. Allow to dry completely in a former flower.

This rose has 15 petals Excuse the center and increasingly clear to the outside. It can be left as is or may accentuate the contrast dye in brushing the dust-colored inner petals on cyclamen.

Alternatively one can perform all the petals of the same color and then fade just the inside of the dye in powder pink with a darker shade than the flower.

Highlights: If you want to achieve a deep red rose flower using the florist to prepare the red pulp (poinsettia), let dry and then blend all the petals with the dye powder mixed with the color pink poinsettia (red poinsettia). Go through the steam rose above (you can use a pot with freshly boiled water) and then wipe all the petals with the same mix of colors. As a final touch you can use a small amount of black dye powder to lightly dab in the center of the rose.

Goblet (sepal)
create a cone of green flower paste (Holly / Ivy) put the knowledge to the work surface and begin to crush the base with the aid of a toothpick or the celstick (this technique is called mexican hat shape, because you need to get the shape is identical to a sombrero)

17 Place the stencil in the shape of the glass (use the larger size for pink) through the form of a "sombrero" and press at the base with the stencil. Lift the glass thus obtained and holding in one hand, with the base facing you, press the center of the circle with the help of celstick to create a hollow, molded ends with the ball tool

18 Brush the inside with the color of the glass powder mixed with green color Edelweiss (white) applied 2 or 3 small nicks on the edge of the sepals, by using sharp scissors, quindi spennellate della colla nel centro del calice e inseritelo dentro il ferretto, al di sotto della rosa. Rifinite i sepali ripiegandoli delicatamente verso l'esterno in modo da allontanarli dalla base della rosa.

19 Spennellate il calice con il confectioner's glaze, per dare un effetto di lucentezza. Quando avrete finito, pulite immediatamente il pennello con il glaze cleaner.


20 Stendere con il mattarello della florist paste verde. Realizzare le foglie utilizzando gli appositi stampini. "Venate" le foglie inserendole nel venatore (great impression Tea Rose leaf veiner) quindi inserite il ferretto in ciascuna rosa utilizzando il metodo che preferite.

21 Fading leaves with green dye powder and Vine. Dates, with touches of nuance to the edges of the cyclamen leaves. Dip the leaves on the steam (to fix the color). Let dry. Dip the leaves into the confectioner's glaze to make shiny the leaves and allow to dry again.

23 A sprig of rose leaves provides a large leaf at the apex of the branch, two medium-size leaves just below and still below 2 leaves even smaller. Fix the pairs of leaves at a distance of 2.5cm from each other on the bra using the florist tape, fasten as firmly as possible, opposite each other (see photo)


If you have limited time, the wires can be bonded firmly to the florist paste also hooked up through the flame. When it becomes hot, inserting it into the florist paste will melt completely and immediately with the pasta. This method is very useful in the event that a flower ready coming off the bra. However be very careful and make sure you use protective gloves because the heat is conducted along the wire.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pokemon Battle Revolution Sydney

Bottega Verde: Fondotinta Illuminante

Today I reviewed a product I was kindly offered by Bottega Verde assessment purposes.
It is a foundation for brightening effect, enriched with Vitamin A, E, hyaluronic acid and sericin.

It features a very creamy texture, easy sfumabile. Once rolled out, both with the brush by hand, blends well with the face, leaving a quite natural effect.
Unifom the flesh, but does not cover major imperfections, does not show the pores but not hiding them. The
coverage as I have said is light, it seems almost a cream color.

The thing that I fear when I hear the word are the glitter enlightening: in this case, fortunately, are not there, even microscopic. I notice a brightening effect especially in the lights as the cheekbones and above the eyebrows.
the right product gradient

Unfortunately hue, natural beige, which I was sent is slightly darker than my skin tone, and this helps Special note signs of brightness.
Another flaw is the limited range of shades, only four.

You oily skin or mixed is compulsory to wear face powder, and to fix for dull.
The duration also is medium-low: a few hours after the uniform result achieved thanks to this foundation tends to disappear. Ultimately

is recommended for normal to dry skin as it is quite moisturizing, if your skin is oily or mixed you can resolve the problem by using a good powder.
is also useful for those who do not need a great coverage but still want to have a uniform color without the effect will mark

Rating: 6

This foundation takes the sufficiency, the flaws in my opinion are the duration and its low coverage. All
however, is relative, depending on your needs!

The cost is € 17.49, but thanks to countless discounts will pay less!


20 Dollar Fingerboard

Gamberi Scottati su Salsa di Zucchina al Basilico

Questo è il piatto creativo del quinto episodio, beh, non esattamente. Nella foto vedete il piatto rifatto a casa senza la tensione che blocca cervello e mani! Non voglio far brutta figura a mettere la versione più disordinata! ;o)) Il tema era i crostacei e lo chef ospite era Gioacchino Pontrelli del ristorante Lorenzo a Forte dei Marmi, Lucca. Sulla sua bravura lascio la parola experts; Scattidigusto and Luciano Pignataro. You will see that you now wish to book a holiday in the seaside resort, only to be able to go to sample its delights!
Back to us, once again our dish has been very successful. : ((Tania and I would have liked to win with at least one episode and thought we could do with this dish that we really liked it. Alas, the rest were our best and the dish was not perfect. There were some areas where improvement that we were not satisfied at all. Whatever the case, we are proud to be still in the race, hell, we are one of the three women left! As always, you can find the recipe below is modified, taking into account the errors and opinions of the jury. Ah, the original version we used the red shrimp, be patient if I have changed the most humble shrimp! O)

for 2 people

6 prawns / shrimp
2 small zucchini
10 leaves of basil
1 small potato
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
a micro-tip 's
garlic salt pepper

extra virgin olive

Peel the prawns and remove the intestines. Make an incision along the back and open them like a book. Put aside.
Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan with the garlic. When the garlic is golden, remove. Toast the breadcrumbs and then browned in this ointment. Salt lightly.
Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Arrange in a steamer. Cut zucchini in half cubes, more or less the same amount of potato, do not take the central water. It also has the diced zucchini in the steamer. Both slightly salted vegetables.
Cut the remaining zucchini slices. Heat a little oil in a small saucepan and add the zucchini. Add salt and pepper and add a little water. Finally, cover the pan so that they continue to cook with steam.
Remove from heat when the color turns bright green. The zucchini should be cooked but still crunchy.
in a beaker for the blender, add the basil and blend. Man hand, pour a little water to flush, until you reach the desired thickness. Season with salt.
Lightly grease the shrimp and let them burn, face down in a pan, previously heated. Press them gently to prevent it from curling too much. Just a few moments.
When they start to become opaque, turn, and then sear the other side for a few seconds. Immediately remove from the pan, otherwise you will overcook, and salt. Do you have a mirror
zucchini with basil sauce al centro di un piatto. Adagiate 3 gamberi per ogni piatto (a pancia in giù) e fate cadere qualche tocchetto di zucchina e patata a dadini sulla salsa. Infine, cospargete sopra ogni gambero il pangrattato e decorate con una foglia di basilico al centro.

Freaky Mind Reading Games

Royal Effem: Dual Highlighter

Today we speak of a brand that did not know, the Royal Effem.
This is an Italian brand founded in 1950, with much success in the UK.
Produce high quality, fully made in Italy style, using high quality raw materials, taking care of every detail in the packaging and the texture of various products.

For more information check out the site Italian and their official page Facebook.

start our review of this illuminating blush duo consists of a crescent and a cream powder.
The package says to use the first part and then the creamy powder, which is perfectly adherent to the skin and has an optimal duration of drying. Personally I use it even reversing the steps and the result is still optimal.

The powder is very thin, the color is pretty clear, very delicate, creamy and deeply pigmented part of a beautiful fuchsia with hints of gold, needs attention during application because they could overdo the color.

Partendo da sinistra ho swatchato la parte in crema, quella in polvere e in ultimo ho mixato i due prodotti.
Come potete costatare dalle due foto donano una luminosità bellissima.

Questo prodotto è consigliato per l'estate, o comunque tutto l'anno per chi ha le pelli medie e scure.
Le ragazze che come me hanno la pelle chiara devono fare attenzione alle dosi.
Ricordate che i prodotti illuminanti non sono consigliati sulle pelli impure con imperfezioni, in quando le evidenzierebbero tantissimo.

La durata è molto buona e sono facilmente sfumabili.

Questo prodotto I have reviewed is only visible on the official website English, then I infer that it is out of production in Italy.

I've bought a perfume shop in Turin, selling products at substantial discounts , at a price of 9 €, looking on the internet should be the official price of 29 €. I'm not sure, however, if anyone has additional information let me know!

in addition to some perfumes, this brand is distributed in Coin, look in your town!
You can also buy from the site of e-commerce brand of English, as well cosmetic skin although shipping costs are expensive, 12, 95 pounds.

rating: 7

This product in particular I really liked, I will come in handy when my skin is more tanned (hopefully!).
I am curious to try other products in this brand!

You have some product of the Royal Effem?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Having Problems With Tech Deck Live

Michael Jackson Topsy turvy cake