Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vacation Ideas Map Midwest

Non cadete anche voi nella trappola!

Di quale trappola sto parlando...?
No, non I'm talking about phishing scams or to put in place by disreputable characters, I'm talking about a trap even more frequent and certainly more traumatic and unbearable.
certainly will happen to many of you, or obliged in good faith but unaware of the consequences.
I'm talking about parents that one day all of a sudden, you say: "Teach me to use the computer!"
And you can basically do two things: to invent excuses to postpone or give up and go along.
Unfortunately the first option sooner or later you will turn in the second because you can not make excuses forever, sooner or later must yield.
So make them sit next to you at your desk and begins the first approach with the mouse.
will be who is afraid of mice, but my mother keeps the mouse with two fingers! It seems to make sense
rest the palm, almost, in fact, was a real mouse!
Already there a need to understand what comes next, and armed with lots and lots of patience and willpower, but not to teach them things, but not to surrender to murderous instincts!
Most parents want to learn to surf the internet to look for things like recipes, answers in real time to scream to the big face of Gerry Scotti must turn on the B and the like, as well as the first thing you see how a search engine, right?
Well, I like the search engine page Initial, then just explain that they have to click the icon on the toolbar house.
After a manuscript prepared to understand what the toolbar here starts the disquisition on the fact that the icon does not seem to shed a little house, but more than a doghouse.
Well, after biting his tongue the required number of times not to insult your parents (who still put us in the world and therefore, utmost respect) that here begins the pilgrimage by the pointer to the doghouse that, sorry icon "home."
Yes, because the poor pointer is forced to make at least three or four times around the screen before being identified and then it takes some 'calibration for how it can be brought there on the doghouse.
Once there, of course, they ask: "And now what do I do?"
And one might say, "If the dog is in the doghouse yourself a couple of scratch card behind the ears that are always nice," but always as a matter of utmost respect, is avoided and it says: "Click."
The only thing I know the vast world of computers is that you "double click", and of course they also double-click the Home icon.
You do not even try to explain that there is no double click at that point because you already knew that it would be like to dive only in a cast quick-setting cement, ie, do not you go out out more! Here
that finally opens the page of the search engine, which they call "Goghel, Gogol, Spire, Guggi, Ghghgh" (being able to utter guttural sounds that you never knew of its existence) but NEVER really what it's called .
Do not even balks at this, so it does not matter since you're almost succeeded in your mission.
"Well, what I try now?" they ask, and you would tell them to look for a new kennel for the dog because that up there starts to be too tiny, but you're holding back again and try to propose some recipes. That's the bogeyman
number 2, after the mouse ... the keyboard!
Parents have a fact, up to 2 fingers and toes with these flickering (for the bogeyman, not for parkinson!) Begin to look for the letters, describing wide circles above the keyboard and muttering almost always a "can not find it, I can not find! "
When he finally found the letter, we got excited with all their anger, perhaps because they think they can escape from there, forcing them to wander again with finger trembling over the keyboard.
Once the word feel in control now and go to circumnavigate the "Search" button with your mouse for 4-5 times, until they are able to take good aim and make us a nice double-clicking on it. After yet another
Double-click on the profit Google chose, pleased with themselves for being able to see the recipe you intend to redo all this time without your suggestions.
So close all windows and leave it to them. Almost
flushed with emotion, fiddling with the mouse in search of the doghouse and we arrive zigzagging across the screen and clicks on it (2 times, of course).
opens the page of Google and the crime going on here: do not go to write "GOOGLE" on the Google search bar??
What then, who ever taught you how to spell??
so click the link to your Google search results on Google and, once opened, they ask, "Now what do I seek?" and this time you can not do it again and you answer: "Find me an apartment that I go away from home!"


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