Thursday, January 20, 2011

Revolution Iq V Air Xp

Primo Post

Here I am again on the web, under another nick, another era.
Yes, because the network just a few years to change all time, so strong is the speed with which things change.
Then I had another life, I lived in another city, I had another job, and other perspectives.
Indeed, we say that then I had no prospects of many, is not that I would put goals, instill I was a little more than a teenager.
the ripe adolescence ...
rivivrei Not for anything in the world but I would never dare to deny. It 's a key stage in the life of each one of us, with its errors, its ideas, with its extremes.
It 's only magazine that hindsight is definitely unique!
But back to us, indeed, to me ...
The first post on a new blog!
I wondered if he still makes sense to start a blog in the era of Facebook and Twitter and then I jumped to mind an image of a diary to write everything you want and a wall full of graffiti.
Here, a blog is a diary, certainly not secret, which only you can decide and write who to write, Facebook is on a wall with graffiti. On the wall of graffiti that anyone can write on it, fouling the basic idea, diverting attention to things, with that graffiti, have nothing to do.
I do not know how consistent I'll write this diary, these thoughts definitely uncoordinated, but I like the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving something to say, every now and then.


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