Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pokemon Silver Version Online

Sambal Tempeh

A quick and easy recipe for cooking tempeh so tasty, at least for me. In my country, tofu and tempeh are the main sources of protein. As is well known, these two products are high in fiber, are very nutritious and, at least in Indonesia, they are cheap. They are the ones who call themselves "food poor". To my mother, however, as a good Indo-Chinese, tempeh do not like: the only way to make him eat it in this version. Sambal means "sauce (dressing) chilli" So if you see this word eye on the menu! Better not to order it if you can not stand the hot.

For 3 persons: 250 g

tempeh in natural
2 large red chillies, remove seeds and cut into strips 3
hot green chilies (you can replace with a less pungent variety)
a tip of garlic
a mini piece of toasted terasa (alternatively, a bit of anchovy paste) salt

seed oil (peanut or mustard) 

Tagliate il tempeh a fette grosse 0,5 cm circa. Salate leggermente e rosolate in poco olio e fate dorare su entrambi i lati. Se la qualità del tempeh è buona, non dovrebbe assorbire troppo olio e dovrebbe formarsi una crosta leggermente croccante.

Scolate e appoggiate sulla carta da cucina per assorbire l'olio in eccesso.

Mettete gli altri ingredienti per sambal in un mortaio e pestate il tutto, come per fare il pesto. Se siete pigri, mettete tutto in un cutter, anche se, secondo me, il sapore si altera leggermente.

Infine, aggiungete le fette dorate di tempeh alla pasta di peperoncino. Premete e pestate leggermente per spezzettarlo e per far assorbire il sambal. Il risultato final should look like for minced meat, as in the photo.
Serve with steamed rice thai, beautiful warm. As the sauce on the pasta!


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