Friday, January 21, 2011

Pinguecula Goes Away On Its Own

Giappone, Giappone, Giappone!

I've never been fond of manga or anime.
obviously watched the cartoons when I was little, but nothing more.
Crescendo and therefore stopping to watch cartoons, I forgot that when the Japanese take their lunch away from home in lunch boxes containing mysterious colored triangles of rice with just over a mysterious black box.
One day, looking for something on the Internet di simile ad un thermos per poter riporre il pranzo del mio fidanzato costretto a pranzare quotidianamente fuori casa, scopro, anzi riscopro, l'esistenza dei Bento, le famose scatole per il pranzo che avevo visto in molti cartoni animati da bambina, e che quei triangolini di riso si chiamano "onigiri" e che il famigerato quadratino nero è un'alga.
Scopro anche che c'è tutto un mondo che ruota attorno a queste scatolette, che ci sono persino siti e blog che ne parlano, che c'è persino un forum che si chiama " Pazze per il Bento " in cui ragazze e ragazzi si scambiano opinioni, foto e commenti sui propri bento e, soprattutto, sul contenuto dei propri bento!
E' un armoniosissimo forum where they talk also about many other things: cooking recipes in both Italian and Japanese, of Japan, Japanese restaurants, where you can buy special ingredients or Bento cuisine of Japan, but also things not related to the world Japan.
We also exchange tips on facts personally, from reading other issues much more serious.
That world seemed so beautiful that now became part of it but I simply create lunches decorated in a box, in fact I went over and discovered a beautiful country, so different from ours ...
is the new dream in life: to go, maybe on their honeymoon!
No, no, no wedding in sight, it's just that I want to spend the honeymoon, so I am planning this trip, at the time of hypothetical, in great detail.
I got sent from the site of the Tourism Japanese maps, guides and maps, all absolutely free and delivered in less than 20 days at home.
I'm also trying to learn some phrases to be able to understand the day we go, nothing complicated, just the usual phrases a tourist, for heaven's sake, just knowing how to ask about (and understand the answers, especially) to reach places like this :

or to shop in the 100 Yen Shop and buy some (some?? An Tir!) of these wonders even managed to ask: "There is also blue?" ^ _ ^ '

I am also a blog of a young Japanese, Masahiko Kobayashi, who writes his blog in a perfect Italian, in Japanese characters and in romaji, which Chama "From Japan" public and many interesting items.
For example I found on his blog that the Japanese have a term for people like me, can not eat or drink anything too hot: the term is "neko jita" 猫 舌 and means "cat's tongue"! ^ _ ^ '

Again, I point this site for people like me are trying to learn hiragana and katakana.
Opening that a symbol will appear in hiragana or katakana and you must choose the correct answer in romaji or vice versa.

Mata ne!また ね !^_^/*


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