Thursday, January 20, 2011

Black And Cream Dress


As for the music, I taste a bit 'special.
Tastes that would be completely normal if I lived in the United States and not in Italy!
certainly will save a lot 'of breath every time I tell people who ask me who my favorite singer.
Yes, because my favorite singer, Maxwell , is unknown in Italy.
Or rather, we know very few.

The strange thing is that the first time I heard, back in 1996, I hate!
aired on MTV video of her first single "Whenever, Wherever, Whatever" quite frequently and I, every time I complained of the litany.
Yes, I called the "litany" ...
Years later, four or five, with the advent of Napster, I was reminded of the refrain of the song and downloaded it, even I do not really know why, because I remembered very boring.
Well, from that day I could not do without his music. (And from that day forward, I bought his CD original!)
Unfortunately, Maxwell does take a long time between albums and the other, in fact his penultimate album, "Now" is dated 2001 and the last 2009 is the! In this
time, however, has succeeded in creating an album, in my opinion, wonderful.
It is titled "Black Summers' Night" and contains 9 tracks.
say, "And it took him eight years to write nine tracks??"
Well, actually he has written an 8 because it is instrumental ^ _ ^ 8-track, however, are formidable, by golly!
And in these past 8 years is also a look so
to look so

And there seems little?!?
Although shocked the first time I saw a picture of her without her hair afro I really appreciate the hours change, even if sometimes I miss the braids that sometimes you did.

Apart date and place of birth, little is known about him and nothing you do not know neither her real name or his surname.
It 's very reserved and rarely does paparazzi and maybe it's also why I like it so much, why not look for the spotlight at any cost and keep a low profile.
On stage is a phenomenon, which certainly does not hurt, it's also very sexy.
I wish I could go to a concert but I see this possibility in a very remote, unfortunately for me!
case any of you to know him and is planning a trip in the United States in conjunction with a date of his tour? ^ _ ^


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