Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Strangling While Orgasm

Eccomi qua!

I have not been able to keep my promise! But I swear that "update the blog more often" was one of my resolutions for 2011. Trust me! Let me explain the reason for my absence.
The last three months, unfortunately (but also fortunately), I was a bit 'nomad. I have not had time to empty the bag and do the laundry that I had to do it again already. I have been to find his mother in Indonesia (I'll tell you more in there) and I made several trips to Rome for a new adventure.
few months ago, I got the courage to send my resume to Gambero Rosso Channel for a program that they were going to do, and here is the result, o)):

is not difficult to recognize, are the only Asian you see in the promo! So, every Thursday , starting from next February 3, at 21:30 I recommend everyone to watch the channel 411 SKY and cheer for me! O))

If you want to know more about the program, read here and here, where you will find my classmates. Have you read? I wish only to point out that I did not eat the little fish and are quite sane! Moreover, they are harmless, I would not have the ability to be a serial killer! Then, finally, I also discovered that I am not the only one in the world to have done, and this gave me peace! O) Thanks, Francis! Say hello to your mom so much!

Ah, Giorgio (Padua), no, I was kidnapped in Seville! O) And dear Antonia (the champion of Mah Jong), to be sure that you do so stew Indonesian willingly! O))


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