How to cover a cake with sugar paste
This is the Italian translation of an article published in the journal "Cakes & Sugarcraft" from Squires Kitchen. For more information:

2 Spread the cake with a thin layer of butter cream to make the sugar paste adheres to the surface of the cake
4 Knead and work the dough sugar necessary to cover the cake (to make it soft and pliable). Roll out the dough on the floor pan with a rolling pin, until you get a "browse" fairly thin and smooth (no dips). The "browse" must be large enough to completely cover the cake (both surface sides) The layer of sugar paste should have a thickness of about 5mm. ;
5 Wrap the dough in sugar on the rolling pin, gently lift and place it on the cake. Roll out the dough on top and pressing with the palms of your hands to stick the dough in sugar, being careful not to overstretch the dough to avoid breakage or cracks ...

6 Go on both the top and sides of cake with the special spatula (smoother) to adhere perfectly plain and smooth. Cut the excess dough at the base of the cake with a sharp knife. Shop till you drop along the base of the cake smoother to adhere well the dark finish and perfectly sweet.
Cover tray
To cover a Flux only the tray that comes out from the base of the cake, brush the surface of the tray with cold water (boiled) using a pastry brush.
2 Roll out the rolling pin with a long strip of dark, lunga almeno quanto la circonferenza del vassoio e larga quanto il bordo del vassoio che andremo a ricoprire.

2 Roll out the rolling pin with a long strip of dark, lunga almeno quanto la circonferenza del vassoio e larga quanto il bordo del vassoio che andremo a ricoprire.
Regoliamo uno dei lati della striscia tagliandolo con il coltellino e posizioniamo la striscia partendo da questo lato sul vassoio. Aiutandoci con una spatola premiamo bene sulla striscia per fissarla al vassoio. Ricopriamo tutto il vassoio e tagliamo la striscia a misura unendo e congiungendo i due lati della striscia. Passiamo per bene lo smoother sulla “congiunzione” per nascondere la giuntura.
3 Tagliamo l’eccesso di pasta che fuoriesce dal vassoio con un coltellino e regoliamo il bordo premendo e leveling with your fingers.