Monday, January 31, 2011

Commercial Lease Agreement Template Victoria

Tecniche base: come ricoprire una torta con pasta di zucchero



How to cover a cake with sugar paste

This is the Italian translation of an article published in the journal "Cakes & Sugarcraft" from Squires Kitchen. For more information:

1 Spread a small amount of cream to butter center of the tray and place the cake in the middle of the same

2 Spread the cake with a thin layer of butter cream to make the sugar paste adheres to the surface of the cake

3 Sprinkle icing sugar on a non-stick surface to prevent the sugar paste will stick

4 Knead and work the dough sugar necessary to cover the cake (to make it soft and pliable). Roll out the dough on the floor pan with a rolling pin, until you get a "browse" fairly thin and smooth (no dips). The "browse" must be large enough to completely cover the cake (both surface sides) The layer of sugar paste should have a thickness of about 5mm. ;

5 Wrap the dough in sugar on the rolling pin, gently lift and place it on the cake. Roll out the dough on top and pressing with the palms of your hands to stick the dough in sugar, being careful not to overstretch the dough to avoid breakage or cracks ...

6 Go on both the top and sides of cake with the special spatula (smoother) to adhere perfectly plain and smooth. Cut the excess dough at the base of the cake with a sharp knife. Shop till you drop along the base of the cake smoother to adhere well the dark finish and perfectly sweet.

Cover tray
To cover a Flux only the tray that comes out from the base of the cake, brush the surface of the tray with cold water (boiled) using a pastry brush.

2 Roll out the rolling pin with a long strip of dark, lunga almeno quanto la circonferenza del vassoio e larga quanto il bordo del vassoio che andremo a ricoprire.
Regoliamo uno dei lati della striscia tagliandolo con il coltellino e posizioniamo la striscia partendo da questo lato sul vassoio. Aiutandoci con una spatola premiamo bene sulla striscia per fissarla al vassoio. Ricopriamo tutto il vassoio e tagliamo la striscia a misura unendo e congiungendo i due lati della striscia. Passiamo per bene lo smoother sulla “congiunzione” per nascondere la giuntura.

3 Tagliamo l’eccesso di pasta che fuoriesce dal vassoio con un coltellino e regoliamo il bordo premendo e leveling with your fingers.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Patron Saint Of Bursitis

A merenda fragole&bignè..

Period this strange, made by 'succession of people who filled moments that were close, then go away, disappear and then return. In all this I remain to observe .. I look at them trying to be surprised by their next move, waiting for them .. confident as a child who is about to receive a gift, something that I gift certainties. In fact this period of time, there are moments so full, colorful and fragrant, and other terribly empty when left alone with myself to see the rust that rests on the mechanisms of me. Sometimes I find myself tightening air, observing the emptiness in which they are immersed and I find myself helpless not knowing how to act. There are moments where I do not know what to do, I can not do anything. I find myself observing the passing of time, and I I see myself on the edge of this path without the possibility of change. Sometimes I find myself dreaming of a different life, different people, experienced a different and even at different times. If I could choose I would choose only those full and colorful, a road downhill all the way, made up of smiles, daisies and Panza, but when I open my eyes I become aware that it is not so .. When I come across such moments I cling to the certainties that have strong, my passions, my loves, my dreams and my projects, and is one of those moments that the other morning in search of stimuli bloggherellando I came across in a post that I warmed the soul. Post in which I missed being able to hear the voices, smells and even a glimpse i colori di tutte quelle parole che, fluide, scorrevano sullo schermo regalandomi un attimo di serenità. Le parole sono le sue e lei ha questa capacità di raccontare ogni singolo evento con una delicatezza che lascia senza fiato; anche l'evento più banale raccontato da lei suona bello e colorato. Per un attimo ho chiuso gli occhi e ho immaginato una grande cucina in cui una paperetta di una certa età si affaccendava a preparare bignè e così, alla faccia di tutti i fantasmi che popolano la mia vita in questo momento, alla faccia di chi pensa di prendersi gioco di me, li ho provati...

Fritters of Sabrine & Grandma Duck

50 g of flour
50 g of butter
75 g of water
2 eggs 1 pinch of salt
powdered sugar for garnish

Porre il burro, l'acqua e il sale in un pentolino e portare ad ebollizione. Abbassare la fiamma e versare la farina mescolando energicamente. Non appena il composto si staccherà dalle pareti, togliere dal fuoco ed aggiungere le uova mescolando fino ad ottenere un composto liscio ed omogeneo. A questo punto lasciar riposare 10 minuti e in seguito foderare una teglia di carta forno e formare con l'impasto dei "mucchietti" con l'aiuto di un cucchiaino o di una sacca da pasticcere. Porre in forno già caldo a 180° per una 20° di minuti o finquando i bignè saranno gonfi e dorati. Lasciar raffreddare e farcire a piacere.

"The man of the mountain," he said, "Good, the jacket is prefect" And he ate them all. And he said ...

Friday, January 28, 2011

South Station Left Luggage Boston

Le torte creative di Claudia: corso base di cake decorating a Monza

To learn the basic techniques of cake decorating and Sugarcraft Anglo-Saxon "Cakes creative Claudia" in collaboration with "Grocery Cirla" Monza offers a course based on two lectures will be in:

Saturday, February 5, 2011 from 9:00 to 13:00    
1a lezione                                              
Making dough in sugar paste
cover a cake sugar paste coloring

creation bows, drapes, flowers and simple
the pink decor with these various techniques
each will make a topper

second lesson
Saturday, February 12 from 9 to 13
polystyrene cover a cake with sugar paste
creation of a topper on the cake that we will use three-dimensional
finishing and final assembly of the cake with other decorations
Participants will be able to take home a cake completely decorated

The course will be held in Monza, Via Zucchi.
For information and list material c.prati @

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pokemon Silver Version Online

Sambal Tempeh

A quick and easy recipe for cooking tempeh so tasty, at least for me. In my country, tofu and tempeh are the main sources of protein. As is well known, these two products are high in fiber, are very nutritious and, at least in Indonesia, they are cheap. They are the ones who call themselves "food poor". To my mother, however, as a good Indo-Chinese, tempeh do not like: the only way to make him eat it in this version. Sambal means "sauce (dressing) chilli" So if you see this word eye on the menu! Better not to order it if you can not stand the hot.

For 3 persons: 250 g

tempeh in natural
2 large red chillies, remove seeds and cut into strips 3
hot green chilies (you can replace with a less pungent variety)
a tip of garlic
a mini piece of toasted terasa (alternatively, a bit of anchovy paste) salt

seed oil (peanut or mustard) 

Tagliate il tempeh a fette grosse 0,5 cm circa. Salate leggermente e rosolate in poco olio e fate dorare su entrambi i lati. Se la qualità del tempeh è buona, non dovrebbe assorbire troppo olio e dovrebbe formarsi una crosta leggermente croccante.

Scolate e appoggiate sulla carta da cucina per assorbire l'olio in eccesso.

Mettete gli altri ingredienti per sambal in un mortaio e pestate il tutto, come per fare il pesto. Se siete pigri, mettete tutto in un cutter, anche se, secondo me, il sapore si altera leggermente.

Infine, aggiungete le fette dorate di tempeh alla pasta di peperoncino. Premete e pestate leggermente per spezzettarlo e per far assorbire il sambal. Il risultato final should look like for minced meat, as in the photo.
Serve with steamed rice thai, beautiful warm. As the sauce on the pasta!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Strangling While Orgasm

Eccomi qua!

I have not been able to keep my promise! But I swear that "update the blog more often" was one of my resolutions for 2011. Trust me! Let me explain the reason for my absence.
The last three months, unfortunately (but also fortunately), I was a bit 'nomad. I have not had time to empty the bag and do the laundry that I had to do it again already. I have been to find his mother in Indonesia (I'll tell you more in there) and I made several trips to Rome for a new adventure.
few months ago, I got the courage to send my resume to Gambero Rosso Channel for a program that they were going to do, and here is the result, o)):

is not difficult to recognize, are the only Asian you see in the promo! So, every Thursday , starting from next February 3, at 21:30 I recommend everyone to watch the channel 411 SKY and cheer for me! O))

If you want to know more about the program, read here and here, where you will find my classmates. Have you read? I wish only to point out that I did not eat the little fish and are quite sane! Moreover, they are harmless, I would not have the ability to be a serial killer! Then, finally, I also discovered that I am not the only one in the world to have done, and this gave me peace! O) Thanks, Francis! Say hello to your mom so much!

Ah, Giorgio (Padua), no, I was kidnapped in Seville! O) And dear Antonia (the champion of Mah Jong), to be sure that you do so stew Indonesian willingly! O))

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pinguecula Goes Away On Its Own

Giappone, Giappone, Giappone!

I've never been fond of manga or anime.
obviously watched the cartoons when I was little, but nothing more.
Crescendo and therefore stopping to watch cartoons, I forgot that when the Japanese take their lunch away from home in lunch boxes containing mysterious colored triangles of rice with just over a mysterious black box.
One day, looking for something on the Internet di simile ad un thermos per poter riporre il pranzo del mio fidanzato costretto a pranzare quotidianamente fuori casa, scopro, anzi riscopro, l'esistenza dei Bento, le famose scatole per il pranzo che avevo visto in molti cartoni animati da bambina, e che quei triangolini di riso si chiamano "onigiri" e che il famigerato quadratino nero è un'alga.
Scopro anche che c'è tutto un mondo che ruota attorno a queste scatolette, che ci sono persino siti e blog che ne parlano, che c'è persino un forum che si chiama " Pazze per il Bento " in cui ragazze e ragazzi si scambiano opinioni, foto e commenti sui propri bento e, soprattutto, sul contenuto dei propri bento!
E' un armoniosissimo forum where they talk also about many other things: cooking recipes in both Italian and Japanese, of Japan, Japanese restaurants, where you can buy special ingredients or Bento cuisine of Japan, but also things not related to the world Japan.
We also exchange tips on facts personally, from reading other issues much more serious.
That world seemed so beautiful that now became part of it but I simply create lunches decorated in a box, in fact I went over and discovered a beautiful country, so different from ours ...
is the new dream in life: to go, maybe on their honeymoon!
No, no, no wedding in sight, it's just that I want to spend the honeymoon, so I am planning this trip, at the time of hypothetical, in great detail.
I got sent from the site of the Tourism Japanese maps, guides and maps, all absolutely free and delivered in less than 20 days at home.
I'm also trying to learn some phrases to be able to understand the day we go, nothing complicated, just the usual phrases a tourist, for heaven's sake, just knowing how to ask about (and understand the answers, especially) to reach places like this :

or to shop in the 100 Yen Shop and buy some (some?? An Tir!) of these wonders even managed to ask: "There is also blue?" ^ _ ^ '

I am also a blog of a young Japanese, Masahiko Kobayashi, who writes his blog in a perfect Italian, in Japanese characters and in romaji, which Chama "From Japan" public and many interesting items.
For example I found on his blog that the Japanese have a term for people like me, can not eat or drink anything too hot: the term is "neko jita" 猫 舌 and means "cat's tongue"! ^ _ ^ '

Again, I point this site for people like me are trying to learn hiragana and katakana.
Opening that a symbol will appear in hiragana or katakana and you must choose the correct answer in romaji or vice versa.

Mata ne!また ね !^_^/*

Bridesmaid Dress Modest Jacket

In fase di sperimentazione: Solette Insolia per tacchi alti

Let's face it, we were not designed to walk on my heels! Trying
online tips and tricks on how to make high-heeled shoes tolerable even for someone like me who is accustomed a camminare rasoterra, mi sono imbattuta in più recensioni (praticamente tutte Americane) che parlavano positivamente delle solette Insolia.

Ho subito notato che erano diverse dalle solette in gel che ci promettono di poter calzare tutto il giorno le nostre scarpe col tacco che, credo, parecchie di noi hanno comprato con risultati, a mio parere, nulli.
Infatti le solette che si trovano più comunemente in commercio, sono innanzitutto troppo spesse e, di conseguenza, obbligano le dita dei nostri poveri doloranti piedi a schiacciarsi verso la parte superiore della punta della scarpa, provocando dolori ancora più forti soprattutto all'alluce.
also the most stressed when wearing heels heel is just the front (I find that so called part of the foot that bends when walking), as it is there that focuses the weight of all our body and therefore there is no need of further upward causing the usual slabs.

Insolia insoles are like this instead:

Convinced, I decided to buy them, being so different from those we are accustomed.
purchased on ebay from a user's English (in Italy they are not), I paid the equivalent of € 8, shipping included.
not comment on the fact that sending a parcel, albeit slight, but the cost of shipping from England to Italy amounted to only 2.60 pounds, while sending a parcel from one city to another city Italian Italian costs 3 times as much!
Today I received the insoles and I immediately try, of course!
repeat of a girl close to the ground 364 days a year, so absolutely unaccustomed to walk on my heels, but already wearing the shoes with Insolia insoles in walking and getting up I felt a difference.
Here I went to work on foot, as usual (15 minutes) e. .. I have not even resa conto di essere sui tacchi!!!

Ora, prima di gridare al miracolo, voglio testarle ulteriormente questo weekend con un paio di scarpe col tacco un po' più alto di quelle che indosso ora, magari andando a fare la spesa e tutte quelle commissioni che mi si concentrano nel weekend, però mi pare che il test possano superarlo brillantemente.
Se così sarà dovrò sbrigarmi a comprare, finalmente, un paio di meraviglie come queste prima che finiscano i saldi!!!

Beh, magari non a scacchi!! ^_^'

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vacation Ideas Map Midwest

Non cadete anche voi nella trappola!

Di quale trappola sto parlando...?
No, non I'm talking about phishing scams or to put in place by disreputable characters, I'm talking about a trap even more frequent and certainly more traumatic and unbearable.
certainly will happen to many of you, or obliged in good faith but unaware of the consequences.
I'm talking about parents that one day all of a sudden, you say: "Teach me to use the computer!"
And you can basically do two things: to invent excuses to postpone or give up and go along.
Unfortunately the first option sooner or later you will turn in the second because you can not make excuses forever, sooner or later must yield.
So make them sit next to you at your desk and begins the first approach with the mouse.
will be who is afraid of mice, but my mother keeps the mouse with two fingers! It seems to make sense
rest the palm, almost, in fact, was a real mouse!
Already there a need to understand what comes next, and armed with lots and lots of patience and willpower, but not to teach them things, but not to surrender to murderous instincts!
Most parents want to learn to surf the internet to look for things like recipes, answers in real time to scream to the big face of Gerry Scotti must turn on the B and the like, as well as the first thing you see how a search engine, right?
Well, I like the search engine page Initial, then just explain that they have to click the icon on the toolbar house.
After a manuscript prepared to understand what the toolbar here starts the disquisition on the fact that the icon does not seem to shed a little house, but more than a doghouse.
Well, after biting his tongue the required number of times not to insult your parents (who still put us in the world and therefore, utmost respect) that here begins the pilgrimage by the pointer to the doghouse that, sorry icon "home."
Yes, because the poor pointer is forced to make at least three or four times around the screen before being identified and then it takes some 'calibration for how it can be brought there on the doghouse.
Once there, of course, they ask: "And now what do I do?"
And one might say, "If the dog is in the doghouse yourself a couple of scratch card behind the ears that are always nice," but always as a matter of utmost respect, is avoided and it says: "Click."
The only thing I know the vast world of computers is that you "double click", and of course they also double-click the Home icon.
You do not even try to explain that there is no double click at that point because you already knew that it would be like to dive only in a cast quick-setting cement, ie, do not you go out out more! Here
that finally opens the page of the search engine, which they call "Goghel, Gogol, Spire, Guggi, Ghghgh" (being able to utter guttural sounds that you never knew of its existence) but NEVER really what it's called .
Do not even balks at this, so it does not matter since you're almost succeeded in your mission.
"Well, what I try now?" they ask, and you would tell them to look for a new kennel for the dog because that up there starts to be too tiny, but you're holding back again and try to propose some recipes. That's the bogeyman
number 2, after the mouse ... the keyboard!
Parents have a fact, up to 2 fingers and toes with these flickering (for the bogeyman, not for parkinson!) Begin to look for the letters, describing wide circles above the keyboard and muttering almost always a "can not find it, I can not find! "
When he finally found the letter, we got excited with all their anger, perhaps because they think they can escape from there, forcing them to wander again with finger trembling over the keyboard.
Once the word feel in control now and go to circumnavigate the "Search" button with your mouse for 4-5 times, until they are able to take good aim and make us a nice double-clicking on it. After yet another
Double-click on the profit Google chose, pleased with themselves for being able to see the recipe you intend to redo all this time without your suggestions.
So close all windows and leave it to them. Almost
flushed with emotion, fiddling with the mouse in search of the doghouse and we arrive zigzagging across the screen and clicks on it (2 times, of course).
opens the page of Google and the crime going on here: do not go to write "GOOGLE" on the Google search bar??
What then, who ever taught you how to spell??
so click the link to your Google search results on Google and, once opened, they ask, "Now what do I seek?" and this time you can not do it again and you answer: "Find me an apartment that I go away from home!"

Black And Cream Dress


As for the music, I taste a bit 'special.
Tastes that would be completely normal if I lived in the United States and not in Italy!
certainly will save a lot 'of breath every time I tell people who ask me who my favorite singer.
Yes, because my favorite singer, Maxwell , is unknown in Italy.
Or rather, we know very few.

The strange thing is that the first time I heard, back in 1996, I hate!
aired on MTV video of her first single "Whenever, Wherever, Whatever" quite frequently and I, every time I complained of the litany.
Yes, I called the "litany" ...
Years later, four or five, with the advent of Napster, I was reminded of the refrain of the song and downloaded it, even I do not really know why, because I remembered very boring.
Well, from that day I could not do without his music. (And from that day forward, I bought his CD original!)
Unfortunately, Maxwell does take a long time between albums and the other, in fact his penultimate album, "Now" is dated 2001 and the last 2009 is the! In this
time, however, has succeeded in creating an album, in my opinion, wonderful.
It is titled "Black Summers' Night" and contains 9 tracks.
say, "And it took him eight years to write nine tracks??"
Well, actually he has written an 8 because it is instrumental ^ _ ^ 8-track, however, are formidable, by golly!
And in these past 8 years is also a look so
to look so

And there seems little?!?
Although shocked the first time I saw a picture of her without her hair afro I really appreciate the hours change, even if sometimes I miss the braids that sometimes you did.

Apart date and place of birth, little is known about him and nothing you do not know neither her real name or his surname.
It 's very reserved and rarely does paparazzi and maybe it's also why I like it so much, why not look for the spotlight at any cost and keep a low profile.
On stage is a phenomenon, which certainly does not hurt, it's also very sexy.
I wish I could go to a concert but I see this possibility in a very remote, unfortunately for me!
case any of you to know him and is planning a trip in the United States in conjunction with a date of his tour? ^ _ ^

Revolution Iq V Air Xp

Primo Post

Here I am again on the web, under another nick, another era.
Yes, because the network just a few years to change all time, so strong is the speed with which things change.
Then I had another life, I lived in another city, I had another job, and other perspectives.
Indeed, we say that then I had no prospects of many, is not that I would put goals, instill I was a little more than a teenager.
the ripe adolescence ...
rivivrei Not for anything in the world but I would never dare to deny. It 's a key stage in the life of each one of us, with its errors, its ideas, with its extremes.
It 's only magazine that hindsight is definitely unique!
But back to us, indeed, to me ...
The first post on a new blog!
I wondered if he still makes sense to start a blog in the era of Facebook and Twitter and then I jumped to mind an image of a diary to write everything you want and a wall full of graffiti.
Here, a blog is a diary, certainly not secret, which only you can decide and write who to write, Facebook is on a wall with graffiti. On the wall of graffiti that anyone can write on it, fouling the basic idea, diverting attention to things, with that graffiti, have nothing to do.
I do not know how consistent I'll write this diary, these thoughts definitely uncoordinated, but I like the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving something to say, every now and then.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bosch Dishwasher Grit

Hello Kitty Coccinella su tre piani

Hello everyone! This cake
bouncing in my head for a long time!
fact I had seen a small image of Hello Kitty dressed as a ladybug, so I had flashed in his head already beautiful cake made with this doll in the top three floors in white, red and black each with a different reason ..... stripes, florals, hearts ...... so I used this "shining" for the birthday cake my little Valentina that tomorrow will celebrate its 6 years (my mother my baby has already become great !!!!)
cake basic sponge cake filled with cream pie
Ciccolo white in the middle and on top: pie yogurt with butter cream "Nutella"
All the decorations are in PDZ.
I go because I still have to finish the cakes for the buffet (which I will send soon)
Kisses! Claudia