Hello everyone! This is my report of last week-end spent in Bagni di Tivoli (Rome) during a course organized by friends and fans of Sugarcraft.
Our teacher (Vivian Lee) came directly from Squires Kitchen in London, one of the most titled Sugarcraft schools, among teachers cha has even the legendary Sir Eddie Spence, who was pastry decorator for many years at the British Royal Family!
The course was held over three days and was based on the preparation of a bouquet of gum paste with the theme "Christmas" (which included the construction a poinsettia and a branch of holly) and the basic techniques of real ice.
We "girls" we came a little from all over Italy, from which we are passionate we could not miss an opportunity so tasty, I think he was the very first time in Italy is organized such a course with a teacher of English this level of preparation. The alternative is to go directly to England or overseas in one of the schools of Sugarcraft, so when the beloved Kristina asked me if I wanted to participate, I sling a flash .......
Although the course was for "beginners" I became immediately aware of the high level of Vivan Lee, who is a wonderful person to be professionally and human, made me feel at ease so much so that I began to bombard with questions and clarifications, (I doubt that I kept in the drawer for who knows how long) and she was able to help me and address with a willingness and a unique patient . In front of her, I felt much less a beginner, I presume to have reached a reasonable level even by myself but I had to think again "ok, reset and start from scratch!"
For me it was also very nice to meet all the participants, people with whom we correspond through the various blogs for a long time, friends who are now virtual friends for me "real."
Vivian has taught us a lot and even if a rate very strong and binding allowed us to learn so much, that now I will take some time to digest and try again and again by myself and calmly all the "tricks" that has taught us. Today more than ever I am convinced that the English style of cake decorating is a way of making "art" that in Italy we know very little, and then we need to spread these "wonders" even to the Italian public, the possibilities ; to express their creativity in Sugarcraft are many and still do not understand how we could stay this way "back" from this point of view.
Take this opportunity to thank all the people who allowed this course svolgesse: Kristina, Sandrina, Emanuela, Barbara, Victoria, Tamara, Resy, Anna, Nadia, Paola, Anna, Michael .... and of course, Vivian!

together in front of the ns. cakes .... were all really beautiful!

us who admire the beauty of royal icing Vivian ....
I with Anna and Barbara .... do the flowers in royal icing

was the birthday of Victoria and Vivian gave her a wonderful wafer decorated with royal icing, made in 10 minutes .... (Which envy !!!!)
and his cake from which we copied to make our own. Embroidery and subjects in royal icing . The techniques were: Cover cake in royal icing, scrolls, run out, flowers, laces ....
io mmmmmooooooolto impegnata con il nastro del mio bouquet....
le nostre realizzazioni.
Alle prossime torte!
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