Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Stop Yorkshire Pudding Sticking To Tin

For sale!

Mary: "Hello Flavia, Mary! I have a favor to ask but you can tell me no!"
Flavia: "Hello Mary, tell me!"
Mary: "I wanted to ask if you could make me a cake tomorrow night."
Flavia: "And I make sure that you:) how you want it??
Mary: " Boh! I do not know, do you trust me .. "(this phrase and I'm already there ... trust me the shot!:))
I would just like the soft inside, good ... see you!
Flavia: Ok! I look and I say ..
Mary: Ok! thanks ..

5 minutes later .....
Mary: "Hello, I always! Feel, is not that you could put a puppet of what you do? Do not want it all covered, but only a puppet.
Flavia: "o_O that doll? sugar mean?
Mary: "Yes, it's a little girl and 3 November is his birthday ... he has three years and his name is Giorgio, you see .." (Another moment of glory for me!:)) Ah ... of course the cake'll pay you! : D: D: D

These are the moments that preceded the birth of my first cake sold! :):) (But it is a relative, not true!! And Vord?? Is always sold, relative or not! Must always give to Caesar what is Caesar's, or else gets angry! : D)

Torta di pane al cioccolato e amaretti (venduta!!!!)
(la ricetta per la base è   sua )

200 g di pane grattugiato
200 g di amaretti
200 g di cioccolato fondente
2 eggs
180 g of sugar
1 tablespoon baking
250 ml of fresh cream
icing sugar to taste

Crumble the bread nel mixer (io per comodità ho usato il pangrattato) e fare lo stesso con amaretti e cioccolato. Setacciare  pane e amaretti con il lievito. Lavorare molto bene le uova con lo zucchero, quindi mescolando con un cucchiaio aggiungere gli amaretti e il pane setacciati con il lievito, la panna e il cioccolato fondente. Versare il composto in una tortiera a cerchio apribile di 20 cm foderata di carta forno e cuocere per 45 minuti a forno già caldo a 180°. Una volta raffreddata spolverizzare di zucchero a velo.

NB during transport by car and door-sweet because of the buffeting many, the flowers on the side were a bit 'squashed becoming uni-color! :)
the day after I received this message:

"Blockbuster your cake! E 'to please everyone, make you the compliments. Giorgia practically ate only the doll! ("Fortunately there was!" I thought I !!!)"


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