Sunday, November 28, 2010

35mm Camera Affordable


If someone tries to ask me what I do "great", I know, and in her heart I've always been able ...
soon set aside a career in veterinary medicine because of fear of blood, my biggest dream would be to make the truck driver ... I would like to drive one of those trailers and gianteschi hanging around for hours on my bright red sports car, locked in my jeans and dungarees boot sports with the radio blaring trotting the world:). But I am afraid that my career is approved truck-only subject given my reluctance to get used to the streets of my new city, Turin. Whenever I tell people look at me quizzically and I know she thinks: "This is crazy!" At home I never had problems, I ventured into unfamiliar streets and was not very accustomed to destruction, every time that happened there was always something known to show me the way back. In Turin there is not, or at least I have not found yet .. To those who suggested "Buy the Tom Tom!" I say, "'t I!" Well I lose with that ... (Maybe you'd prefer a dog, a Labrador beautiful color Chamapagne for the blind .. at least he guide us !!!). Here are the mysterious controviali ... the first time that I was told: "Turn here, in controviale here !!!", I ... to take a little pile in the middle ... but that is the controviale?? the controviale is a common side street than the main course that you are on. Here, in Rome controviali there are, and when we are not called controviali and above there are many "courses" .. Turin is full ... is a whole course! Another thing that sends me the lights are hung in crisis ... but n'do come from Wonderland??, "No, from Rome .." Rome and hung the lights are not so easily .. I often find myself at a crossroads and I wonder: Oh but n'do is the light?? "And in the blink of an eye reassured me:" Ah! Then hangs !!!!". often find strange ways of turning that really are not used and it is therefore logical that I am hesitant to turn on or not and it happens so often that I get lost .... We also used half 'now return home and to the question: "Where have you been? I often find myself responding with a trickle of embarrassment: "Here behind ...." Sometimes I know that the Tom Tom loses patience and gets tired of talking, and I know he thinks in his heart: "You are de crock!" sometimes I'm afraid to loose the little woman black screen like the movie "The Ring" .. The other night it happened again. I returned from a lecture by itself per la prima volta e su una strada che ormai percorro da due mesi  e ad un certo punto me so scordata il cavalcavia e ho proseguito dritto... : ( credo che la notizia "S'è persa di nuovo" abbia raggiunto anche le emittenti radio perchè ad un certo momento il mio attimo di perdizione è stato soavemente accompagnato dalla canzone "Clandestino" di Manu Chao che nelle sue strofe ad un certo punto fa:"  

..Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazón
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel
Pa' una
northern city I went to work

I left my life Between Ceuta and Gibraltar .. "

che mai Non permettera a semaphore Appes carriera di Rovini mine-truck driver macina chilometri !!!!!:)

Salame al cioccolato (ricetta di Giallo Zafferano )


300 g di Oro
150 g di burro 200 g di cioccolato Fondente

2 uova 100 g di zucchero

Remove butter from refrigerator and let soften at room temperature until it becomes soft.
crumbled cookies in a double boiler and melt the chocolate and allow to cool. Once the butter has reached the desired consistency, adding cream to work as sugar, eggs and cooled chocolate now. Pour the mixture into the bowl of crushed biscuits and stir well to mix all ingredients. Pour the ground on a sheet of wax paper and give the typical shape of salami (My meatloaf is very!) , wrap in aluminum foil and place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours or until becomes solid and can be cut into slices.


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