Sunday, November 28, 2010

35mm Camera Affordable


If someone tries to ask me what I do "great", I know, and in her heart I've always been able ...
soon set aside a career in veterinary medicine because of fear of blood, my biggest dream would be to make the truck driver ... I would like to drive one of those trailers and gianteschi hanging around for hours on my bright red sports car, locked in my jeans and dungarees boot sports with the radio blaring trotting the world:). But I am afraid that my career is approved truck-only subject given my reluctance to get used to the streets of my new city, Turin. Whenever I tell people look at me quizzically and I know she thinks: "This is crazy!" At home I never had problems, I ventured into unfamiliar streets and was not very accustomed to destruction, every time that happened there was always something known to show me the way back. In Turin there is not, or at least I have not found yet .. To those who suggested "Buy the Tom Tom!" I say, "'t I!" Well I lose with that ... (Maybe you'd prefer a dog, a Labrador beautiful color Chamapagne for the blind .. at least he guide us !!!). Here are the mysterious controviali ... the first time that I was told: "Turn here, in controviale here !!!", I ... to take a little pile in the middle ... but that is the controviale?? the controviale is a common side street than the main course that you are on. Here, in Rome controviali there are, and when we are not called controviali and above there are many "courses" .. Turin is full ... is a whole course! Another thing that sends me the lights are hung in crisis ... but n'do come from Wonderland??, "No, from Rome .." Rome and hung the lights are not so easily .. I often find myself at a crossroads and I wonder: Oh but n'do is the light?? "And in the blink of an eye reassured me:" Ah! Then hangs !!!!". often find strange ways of turning that really are not used and it is therefore logical that I am hesitant to turn on or not and it happens so often that I get lost .... We also used half 'now return home and to the question: "Where have you been? I often find myself responding with a trickle of embarrassment: "Here behind ...." Sometimes I know that the Tom Tom loses patience and gets tired of talking, and I know he thinks in his heart: "You are de crock!" sometimes I'm afraid to loose the little woman black screen like the movie "The Ring" .. The other night it happened again. I returned from a lecture by itself per la prima volta e su una strada che ormai percorro da due mesi  e ad un certo punto me so scordata il cavalcavia e ho proseguito dritto... : ( credo che la notizia "S'è persa di nuovo" abbia raggiunto anche le emittenti radio perchè ad un certo momento il mio attimo di perdizione è stato soavemente accompagnato dalla canzone "Clandestino" di Manu Chao che nelle sue strofe ad un certo punto fa:"  

..Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazón
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel
Pa' una
northern city I went to work

I left my life Between Ceuta and Gibraltar .. "

che mai Non permettera a semaphore Appes carriera di Rovini mine-truck driver macina chilometri !!!!!:)

Salame al cioccolato (ricetta di Giallo Zafferano )


300 g di Oro
150 g di burro 200 g di cioccolato Fondente

2 uova 100 g di zucchero

Remove butter from refrigerator and let soften at room temperature until it becomes soft.
crumbled cookies in a double boiler and melt the chocolate and allow to cool. Once the butter has reached the desired consistency, adding cream to work as sugar, eggs and cooled chocolate now. Pour the mixture into the bowl of crushed biscuits and stir well to mix all ingredients. Pour the ground on a sheet of wax paper and give the typical shape of salami (My meatloaf is very!) , wrap in aluminum foil and place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours or until becomes solid and can be cut into slices.

Shoe Brands That Show Italian Flag

Idee Natale 2010

Hello everyone!
I made these dolls to decorate the Christmas panettone but are fine as place holders.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Samaire Armstrong Nipple

Un "mandolino" per Alberto

cake funny and very easy to achieve. Sponge cake with mascarpone cream, cream, condensed milk with the addition of strawberries and raspberries. Wet: water, sugar, alchermes. Sugar paste decorations

How To Master Adobe Illustrator

Cake Dinofroz

When they asked me a cake themed Dinofroz "I put my hands hair! Looking at the pictures of these monsters can not be dire certo che siano semplici da riprodurre! Poi aiutandomi con le foto di una torta della mia amica Meme, sono riuscita ad arrivare a questo "mostro"......
La base è un pan di spagna cotto in due forme da zuccotto, farcito con nutella. Bagna: acqua, zucchero e cacao. Le decorazioni sono in pasta di zucchero.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ankle Swelling Both Sides

Waiting for Xmas...

I love Christmas, it is useless to me hiding behind the "sanctity" of this holiday, why not for what I love .. I love the atmosphere in those days, and I am so happy that everything seems more beautiful, the people most gentle and carefree (in reality then they are all hysterical and upheld by the race last gift, but there I ago, I am romantic !!!!), and the air, even the air seems to me different ...
I love all the lights, the decorations, complete strangers greet you with "Happy Birthday!", The Christmas trees, balls, gifts unwrapped at midnight all placed under the tree. The winter seems less harsh, is softened and then if there is snow (Planet Earth called Flavia, Flavia called planet earth ..) ..
Last year I asked Santa to bring me un'impastatrice obviously devo essere stata proprio cattiva perchè non ne ho vista traccia.. L'unico motivo per cui  la desideravo tanto era per preparare qualcosa di speciale il giorno di Natale: trattasi del temuto Panettone. E' difficile, lo so, ma io amo le sfide, amo tentare e riprovare finchè le cose riescono a dovere. Ma quando una fa i conti senza Babbo Natale, so dolori!!! e così l'anno scorso mi sono dovuta accontentare di una insalata Russa.. : (
Quest'anno l'impastatrice ce l'ho (di certo non devo ringraziare il Barbuto!!!) e già da un po' mi sono documentata su ricette varie  per ottenere almeno un panettone "dei poveri". Tutti quei passaggi mi hanno messo him no little anxiety, and one of the first recipes that I had noticed the network was to Adriano. The fact is I was a bit Adriano 'I fear ... is so good that I will only observe with astonishment her recipes, to drool with envy and replace the chin, but I have never dared to replicate .... A few weeks ago I decided to buy the molds (gotta start somewhere!) And I received the gift of a magazine with recipes attached e. ..
From my oven with fury ....

Panettone (Scene I, Act I, but not the last ...)
(recipe taken from the magazine sweeter)

150 g flour 00
g water 10 g of yeast

second dough 500 g flour Manitoba

150 g sugar 200g milk 3 medium eggs

2 g of yeast

200 g soft butter

5 egg yolks 300 g flour 3 teaspoons of Manitoba

acacia honey 130 g sugar 5 g salt

grated rind of 1 orange and 1 lemon 2 packets of vanilla

100g chocolate chips

Season the butter with the zest of citrus and vanilla.
FIRST DOUGH: Dissolve yeast in warm water, then add the flour and make a dough. Place the dough in a bowl, protect with plastic wrap and let rise in warm place per 5 ore.
SECONDO IMPASTO: Al primo impasto unire lo zucchero. Sciogliere il lievito in 50 g di latte. Unire all'impasto il latte con il lievito, le uova, la farina di Manitoba e impastare unendo il latte rimasto. Lavorare l'impasto finquando non si staccherà dalla ciotola. Proteggerlo con la pellicola e lasciarlo lievitare per 5 ore o almeno fino al raddoppio del suo volume.
TERZO IMPASTO: Riprendere la pasta, unire la farina di manitoba, i tuorli leggermente sbattuti, il miele, lo zucchero e il sale. Incorporare ora il burro morbido. Completare l'impasto con le gocce di cioccolato lavorando rapidamente giusto il tempo di incorporarle. Dividere la massa in due parti e porle nei due stampi (io ho dimezzato tutte le dosi di questa recipe and made two panettone 500g) . Let rise in warm place for about 8 hours (make sure the dough leavened reaches the edge of the mold). Score the surface of Panettone with a cutting cross and bake in preheated oven to 170 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

NB this morning I woke up at 4: curious to see if the dough had risen to duty almost killed me ... :):) The fear of creating panettone limp, or piles of candy, was significantly higher!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Replace License Plate On Honda Pilot

Aspettando Nanni: Corso di decorazione

Last weekend was a weekend full of intense emotions, as I have said many times I try to do its utmost in the things that I love to make up for a job that I do not like and at the same time be satisfied. :) So thanks to Monica & Roberto I managed to take a course that was expecting at least a year: a course for my love of decorating cakes, sugar!! :) I felt like the fox in the little prince, I waited for the day Saturday with anxiety and agitation that can not explain, I could not wait to get my hands dirty sugar and learn as much as possible, every secret, trick, detail that would help me make my cakes are real jewels of sugar. :) E 'was a beautiful day, because the intensive course lasted almost 10 hours, which are flown as he spends a moment. I found myself in a room full of tools and attrezzucoli, only to see me has filled my heart, and with so many people, like me, have the same passion and desire to improve. I've known people with whom I shared a very pleasant phone, blogs and e-mail, which I've heard and with whom I hope to really see me yet to mess with .. The teacher was a very sweet and very helpful person who explained to us many times all that we could not do (cough ... the flowers with the ice, "because" of my left hand, says to her .. I also think a bit 'of impeditaggine was an accomplice of my defeat:)) and gave us valuable recipes that I can not wait to experiment. I learned new techniques, hard cheeses such as marble and with the warmth of the hand and offer silk flowers become beautiful, almost real.
I covered my cake (VERA) of sugar paste ALMOST perfect e. .. the folds, I counted: only one in the whole cake: a miracle (The second, because the first short ..):). I laughed, ate, shared joys and defeats with unknown people in more than ten hours have become dear fellow Sweet pastry: it was an experience that I would do it tomorrow, always ... because the heat that others know me, share with them the things I love is something that I would be able to never give up ..
The teacher, however she told us that the sponge does with the yeast. Those who share with me my pies are well aware (see flabby sponge) as this cake and I are at war, has now become more difficult the dreaded puff pastry. B eh, since I'm stubborn, I decided today to win, and I experienced yet another recipe for a sponge, different, and aided by a fantastic teglietta purchased with love and dedication, he managed to perfection making me even for one day the woman Happy World! :) (Everything on the teglietta!:)

Sponge cake with orange and rice Cocoa
( taken from her )

4 medium eggs
110 g of sugar
102 g rice flour
8 g of cocoa
aroma of orange

Shell the eggs in a saucepan with the sugar. Place over heat and bring stirring at 45 °. Pour into the bowl of the planetary and work the mixture of eggs and sugar until they write. At this point add the aroma of orange and chocolate together incorporating flour a tablespoon at a time from the bottom up directly from the sieve. Once all the flour incorporated pour the mixture into a buttered and floured mold to the brim and place in preheated oven at 180 ° 40/45 °. Most important is to not open the door before the end of cooking, worth a great sponge floppy! :) Once cooked allow to cool e Federica consiglia di riporlo in una busta di carta come quelle per conservare il pane, affinchè si mantenga più morbido. Le dosi indicate da Federica erano per uno stampo da 21 cm, io ne ho usato uno da 16.

Ringrazio Monica&Roberto con tutto l'affetto che c'è....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Pay Boattax Ontario


Friday afternoon, me and Richard (5-year-old) lying on the couch watching cartoons. The advantage of having to do with the children inherit is a mega-culture on the cartoons. Ferratissima are now on every move of Pokemon, all the transformations of Bakugan and I know by heart the names of all the characters of Spongebob .. They are often engaged in struggles to learn (I am always the most unlucky pet!) Between Pokemon and dell'ovetto Kinder surprises and often intervenes to help a Bakugan. Races cars occupy my afternoons at home lavatricechesorride, and we can enjoy more than in formula one! The cars whizzing on red marble finishing crashing on the rugged cabinet doors and sometimes even live the thrill of being chased by IsteriX-canesimpatico! In any event Friday, after the two episodes Spongebob, Tom & Jerry was strangely replaced by Avatar, so I made a new culture on this cartoon. I have not had the opportunity to follow him in full, because my attention Riccardo often interrupted with questions like "Do you prefer that cardboard? And do not tell me the cardboard female ... if you say Candy Candy is not the case!" or "If I had to be a dinosaur, what would you be??" or "What is the name of the animal that goes fast Looney-tunes??" In the few moments that sono riuscita a seguire, i due protagonisti del cartone animato, di cui ignoro i nomi ma sfido qualunque adulto a ricordarli (ma che nomi hanno oggi??? Benten, Pokemon, Spongebob, Bakugan ecc ecc...), si sono uniti in un bacio appassionato (solo ai tempi miei l'amore tra Georgie e Artur era un amore platonico???) contornato da nuvolette, cuoricini, coridandoli e accompagnato da un sonoro "Bleah!!!" di Riccardo. Per un attimo mi sono resa conto di che mondo super-figo è quello dei cartoni animati!!!
E' bellissimo che i Puffi non si preoccupino affatto di essere acciuffati da Gargamella, tanto poi c'è Grande-Puffo che con una pozione ri-sistema ognuno al proprio posto!!! E Avatar?? i due fidanzatini sono stati appiccicati tre minuti buoni e mica si sono preoccupati della mononucleosi!!! La loro attenzione era tutta coriandoli e cuoricini e per nulla si preoccupavano delle conseguenze: infondo si sbaciucchiavano in pieno giorno in un prato dove a un centimetro da loro riposavano ignari i loro compagni!!! Ma che bellezza!!!!! : D :D :D E vogliamo parlare di Spongebob??? ecco.. lui insieme a Patrick si lanciano con una fionda gigante su scogli appuntiti e se la cavano con un braccio ingessato e una gamba rotta (sono in difficoltà: come si chiama la gamba di una spugna??? ; )  ) Tutta questa atmosfera romantica è stata interrotta dalla domanda di Riccardo che bruscamente mi ha riportata a terra: Venerdì. Lavoro. Devi stirare ancora 2 lavatrici: "Flavia??? che cos' è un pedofilo??" Bene.. dopo essermi schiarita la voce, con un'ingenuità che ha sorpreso anche me, ho risposto come se fosse la domanda più facile del mondo:" E' un signore che fa i dispetti ai bambini, Riccardo." A volte mi stupisco davvero di me.. : )

Cuoricini all'arancia

130 g di farina
20 g di fecola
120 g di zucchero
50 g di burro
1 uovo
80 g di Philadelphia
1 bustina di vanillina
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci
buccia di un'arancia or half a vial of orange aroma

In a bowl, pour the dry ingredients and mix note: the flour and potato starch, baking powder and vanilla.
In 'another bowl, work the butter (at room temperature) with sugar, add egg, Philadelphia, and the skin / vial of orange and mix well. Spilling the wet ingredients to dry ones and stir to blend the mixture. Pour into pan or muffin cups and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where Can I Get Powerprox

An unforgettable experience ....

Hello everyone! This is my report of last week-end spent in Bagni di Tivoli (Rome) during a course organized by friends and fans of Sugarcraft.
Our teacher (Vivian Lee) came directly from Squires Kitchen in London, one of the most titled Sugarcraft schools, among teachers cha has even the legendary Sir Eddie Spence, who was pastry decorator for many years at the British Royal Family!
The course was held over three days and was based on the preparation of a bouquet of gum paste with the theme "Christmas" (which included the construction a poinsettia and a branch of holly) and the basic techniques of real ice.
We "girls" we came a little from all over Italy, from which we are passionate we could not miss an opportunity so tasty, I think he was the very first time in Italy is organized such a course with a teacher of English this level of preparation. The alternative is to go directly to England or overseas in one of the schools of Sugarcraft, so when the beloved Kristina asked me if I wanted to participate, I sling a flash .......
Although the course was for "beginners" I became immediately aware of the high level of Vivan Lee, who is a wonderful person to be professionally and human, made me feel at ease so much so that I began to bombard with questions and clarifications, (I doubt that I kept in the drawer for who knows how long) and she was able to help me and address with a willingness and a unique patient . In front of her, I felt much less a beginner, I presume to have reached a reasonable level even by myself but I had to think again "ok, reset and start from scratch!"
For me it was also very nice to meet all the participants, people with whom we correspond through the various blogs for a long time, friends who are now virtual friends for me "real."
Vivian has taught us a lot and even if a rate very strong and binding allowed us to learn so much, that now I will take some time to digest and try again and again by myself and calmly all the "tricks" that has taught us. Today more than ever I am convinced that the English style of cake decorating is a way of making "art" that in Italy we know very little, and then we need to spread these "wonders" even to the Italian public, the possibilities ; to express their creativity in Sugarcraft are many and still do not understand how we could stay this way "back" from this point of view.
Take this opportunity to thank all the people who allowed this course svolgesse: Kristina, Sandrina, Emanuela, Barbara, Victoria, Tamara, Resy, Anna, Nadia, Paola, Anna, Michael .... and of course, Vivian!

together in front of the ns. cakes .... were all really beautiful!

us who admire the beauty of royal icing Vivian ....

I with Anna and Barbara .... do the flowers in royal icing

was the birthday of Victoria and Vivian gave her a wonderful wafer decorated with royal icing, made in 10 minutes .... (Which envy !!!!)

The star of Christmas by Vivian .... paste rubber is true but it seems .....

and his cake from which we copied to make our own. Embroidery and subjects in royal icing . The techniques were: Cover cake in royal icing, scrolls, run out, flowers, laces ....

io mmmmmooooooolto impegnata con il nastro del mio bouquet....

le nostre realizzazioni.

Alle prossime torte!