Friday, August 27, 2010

Reddish Brown Color And White Dogs

A gift for me

This year, unlike the others I decided I passed the gift on my birthday. I usually prefer to bet on the card as a surprise, but when you go full years to ask yourself: "I take it? No, not take it. Yes I'll take it from, oh well no not take it." That's birthday seemed a good opportunity for me to give without being in front of the skeleton like Hamlet going crazy on the 'To be or not be. " And so, after asking alms for the whole family, collecting coins from living uncles, grandparents, half-dead and missing relatives, so it was that took it. :) After arduous research online at lowest price, he asked my oracle personal purchases, and not only, I have chosen a site. Being a big chain I trusted with my eyes closed, but just made the order for my suspicious nature nature, could not help but get caught in several studies to test the reliability of the site: It all came out chetelodicoaffà ... people who never received the product, having ordered several others who have received barely one. Then I read about others whose order is miraculously well and broken, others who received it but then the carrier has delivered without packaging. Absolute sadness and despair. I'll be back on the site and read that my gift should have it in your hands within two days, but I miss a crucial part that says "within two days of delivery to the carrier." Of course, the gift does not arrive two days after the event and want the sites to track the shipment has not been updated at all. After seven days according to the Scriptures, sad and forlorn call the call center: a child unresponsive in a hot August morning calmly and "de Voja saltame work on him," she says, "Yes, yes the order was filled and the goods game yesterday from Porto Torres. " "Porto Torres?" I do, "Oh well but I love you !!!!" I think to myself. And so begins the wait ......
already guess without the gift pack, full of scratches and broken but also am happy same. By the order I have recommended to ensure the recipient's identity card because here, in the house where I was born, that is not common, I swear! "mi casa es tu casa" and also take possession of all orders not them. After 14 days (-10 to order and birthday), when it, like a good pessimist, I had already given up the idea of \u200b\u200ba birthday "scartereccio" sounds the bell, I, version gardener Dress warm and with anti-base anti-mosquito rispondo e chiedo chi è, un omino tutto rosso dall'altro capo del filo risponde Bartolini. :) : ) : ) : ) Quando l'ho visto lui è stato senz'altro l'uomo più bello del mondo, nonostante mi abbia detto:" Sei te Flavia???" ed io "Sì, io." "Tiè!" e praticamente mi ha lanciato il regalo, ha sgommato e se ne è andato. Ma non doveva accertarsi dell'identità mediante documento? 

Cheesecake chocolate hazelnut


for the base:
200 g digestive biscuits or cereal grains
80 g butter
20 g di nocciole tostate

per il ripieno:
500 g di ricotta
3 uova
100 g di zucchero
1 bustina di vanillina
200 g di cioccolato gianduia
granella di nocciole per decorare

Far fondere il burro e lasciarlo raffreddare. Polverizzare nel mixer i biscotti insieme alle nocciole, aggiungere il burro freddo mescolando per amalgamare bene gli ingredienti. Rivestire uno stampo a cerniera da 24 cm di carta forno e infarinarne e imburrarne edges. Pour the mixture into the mold making the surface with the back of a spoon and place in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Melt chocolate in double boiler and let cool. Meanwhile work ricotta with the sugar by combining the egg yolks one at a time and vanilla. Stir in the cooled chocolate mixture and mix well. Whisk egg whites until stiff adding to the mixture several times with movements from the bottom up. Pour the mixture over the biscuit base and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Let the cake cool, place in refrigerator at least 3 hours, preferably overnight covered with a sheet of alluminio.Spolverizzarne the surface with the chopped hazelnuts.


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