Sunday, August 8, 2010

Can Tonsil Turn Cancerous

Piccole donne crescono..

.. But you're not "great"! Nooooooooooo I'm just going to .. enta! I'm not old, because great is not it a synonym for "old "??!!! The ultimate compliment to my sister was, "Uh look! Starting to have crow's feet under the eyes too!" The legs of that?? Just two days ago the sea with my friend greets me a big girl taller than me (and it takes very little!), With hair down the back, two brown eyes with long eyelashes like a highway. My friend, a quiet look at me and says: "Growing up, eh?" "I ask quizzically:" Yes, but who is? "She said," But Laura, my sister! "Yeah, Laura ... I checked for a moment the gray wig, tremors and even the stick .. Laura I remember her with a red dress and pigtails ... It does not end here, because once a quarter of an hour we reached even Antonio (brother ..) and there the second stroke, which threatened to leave me crippled. Antonio has "only" 27 years, fidanzatissimo, and a high nineties with a deep voice and dark ... But sììììììììììììì!! We just did the high school when I went home and Mioddio if the time is past! Yet she seems to look the same, the voice is still the same years ago. But since my birthday is coming, and even the "enta" then a few days ago called L.: How are you? as you're not? And the car? and M.? curiosity and wonder at the end: "But my Cicciottina how are you??, send me some pictures that I'm in withdrawal symptoms from baby?" He said, "He's doing very well! Is good, good, now has the first bath to the sea and the like (not the first bath of the sea, which I attended as a guest of honor, did not like it at all, it is set in daemon mode and practically shouted till the facendocela pay at all, "m'avete washed? and I will destroy you!" And she won! Cicciottina .. Well this holiday has lost his hair, is reached 4 kg, sporting a sky blue eyes, the face of those who said that he had brown hair and nice girl today's circuit who has taken the next is looking him straight in the eyes and bright smiles showing off: Ah babies! While L. sweet voice told by new father, I gnawing taken by an attack of nostalgia (now they are newly-addicted, there is a recovery center?) and I felt incredibly old! Elena was born just two months and a few days and while everything flows around me, and I with all that surrounds me, she has already lived a lot of discoveries now knows the sweetness of a smile, the warmth of the sea ' summer, the softness of fresh water, the pleasure of food .. and only two months she also knows how encircles a man! that mean? When you're a teenager can not wait to be 18 years old and time seems to pass ever. After eighteen strangely time runs so fast that it seems never to stop, and thirty ... perhaps thirty that we have the first perception of time, it acquires the knowledge of its flow, we are seeing the first changes in themselves and in others, and you begin to appreciate "all" in part, and inevitably look with different eyes, eyes mature. Maybe it's thirty for the first time you have the feeling that they have become really great ...

sweet ricotta and chocolate
(taken from: Dulcis in furno )

250 g of flour
100 g di ricotta
100 g di nocciole tritate
100g di cioccolato fondente
200 g di zucchero
50 g di burro fuso
2 uova
un pizzico di sale
mezza bustin a di lievito per dolci
latte q.b.

Montare lo zucchero con le uova fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso. Aggiungere il burro fuso, la ricotta ed il sale e la farina setacciata e mescolare. If the mixture is too dry you can add milk to soften it, as it requires the mixture.
Combine the hazelnuts and chocolate and mix well. Add the yeast dissolved in a little lukewarm milk. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake at 150 ° / 170 ° for about 55 minutes (do the toothpick test!). Once transformed and cooled, dust with powdered sugar.

Tenderly ...


Smiling.... : )


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