Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brands Of Soap To Curefolliculitis


"Who are you?" "Grandpa, are Flavia." Is not convinced. It 's so, quizzically, my grandfather looked at me from novantaquattrenne down the hallway of his house. "Kill yourself if you done good, you've become 'na" miss ".." Sure! just a "miss" too bad that two minutes before he asked me who I was. :) It 's great to know that your grandfather finds you as beautiful as a "miss" not even recognize you, has something mystical about that .. This time, however, come on, it went well again. We do not forget the time I came up beside the car giving me Lei "What is Candid Camera??" Incredulos I kept repeating, as he unabashedly called me young lady. We move into the kitchen. Approach number two: Grandma.
"Bella de 'grandmother would not ever come up to trovamme!" Needless to explain that I live in Turin for a year and are still awaiting the gift of ubiquity .. "How beautiful you are, you're married?" "But no grandmother, you would have heard at least .." "But you're there to do in Turin, full of smogghe, people nun laughs, but you miss Roma nun? Your house?" Tough question .... reflect and then cast answer: "In Rome I miss mom and chicory .."
And incredibly to the word "chicory" Amplifon's come on suddenly and both thundering: "CHICORY??" And I explain that it is quite easy to find the chicory in Turin, and I do not drink the water purification and cooking fantastic Ciriola of stuffed vegetable sauté with garlic. Then the story that I like Turin, we live well, even people like me, are all nice in their confidence that as a good Roman appreciate very much. They are always the same, she eighty-four years is just a little fatter but not a wrinkle on the skin. He goes to ninety and, if it was not because staggers a bit 'I mean to remember that way forever. "How are you?" dreaded question, what are you doing? if you do not seem to ask that you do not give a damn .. "Grandpa has been sick co prostate, and then rejected, and I co the belly and just yesterday I was dying," "Damn!" I do not at all surprised, because they are at least twelve years that she may die one day yes and one no, "Cos' you got?" I ask already knowing the answer and repeat it softly with her: "A disturb". Now ... What is "the disorder "???????? I know you can get it, but if I had to explain the symptoms really do not know how ... "The disorder" is something like a faint, a simple stomach ache, a feeling a bit 'so .. only that you would like to say that he had "a disorder"? it sounds much, much worse, right? :):)

Chocolate cake with apricot and amaretti
( Recipe Saffron Yellow )

100 g amaretti
150 g of butter
200 g of dark chocolate
100 g flour 00
100 ml of milk
4 medium eggs
150 g of icing sugar
4 whole pitted apricots in syrup or as a garnish
6 macaroons whole for garnish
2 tablespoons apricot jam

Melt the chocolate in bain-marie with milk and butter cut into small pieces. Stir to combine ingredients and let cool. Whip the egg yolks with 2 / 3 of the icing sugar until frothy and smooth. Beat the egg whites with remaining sugar and store in refrigerator for not removing the compound. Finely chop the macaroons in a food processor. Add sugar to egg mixture and melted chocolate with the butter and milk and mix. Add the sifted flour Mix with a spatola.A this point, add half the egg whites with incorporating a movement from the bottom up. Add the amaretti powder and the remaining egg whites. Pour the batter into a buttered tart mold and dusted with bread crumbs. Depriving Apricot Kernel and put the dough to form a whole corolla. Complete the entire corolla with the six macaroons. Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° for 45 ° (toothpick test). Once cooked, let cool and brush with the apricot jam or jelly before serving.


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