Friday, August 20, 2010

Logitech Eyetoy Free Drivers

Alta fedeltà

.. and the ancient friendship,
the joy of being human and dog
turned into one animal
moving six-legged walking
and a tail full of dew.

(Pablo Neruda)

It 's amazing the complete confidence that a dog is able to gift to man. It may seem trivial and obvious, but if you just reflect for a moment, is immense depth with which an "animal" is capable of loving. During repeated summer visits to my new furry friend chop, I had noticed in passing another. A brown puppy so thin and fast movements do not exist almost .. The "small" is sneaking around looking for food, he is scared, thin and with a crooked paw, suggesting that it was invested. He is so afraid that you close when you're back, almost touching you, but as soon as you turn around he's not there anymore. Twice the little quadruped threatened to kill me heart attacks and even torn alive, since the gift was carrying two huge bones of the knee, which would chop crumbled in a nano-second as if they were peanuts. "Careful, it's dangerous!" I was told, "attack from behind when you do not expect it." But I, a champion of justice more stubborn than Sailor Moon, I'm not on for victory. Several times I tried a useless approach did everything for love-come-hither and unnecessary kissing the sound of which the little dog in question vanished as Willy leaving the coyote like an idiot talking to herself, laughed at by every passerby. One day I find myself in front of my gate, look at me and seems to ask: "What are you doing? I open??" Then open it, and after a rapid emergence me find him lying on the grass waiting to cuddle .. Now there is a fixed time, he rises to 19.00, is set and waits che gli apra. Si sdraia sul prato, si fa coccolare e poi se c'è anche qualcosa da mangiare lo accetta volentieri, altrimenti vuole essere accompagnato fuori, perchè da solo non va, e se ne torna a casa.Ora, io sarò anche patetica e in crisi di astinenza da cucciolo, però  non è di una dolcezza disarmante che questo animaletto ve nga in silenzio a trovarmi tutte le sere solo per rotolarsi sul mio prato e farsi coccolare da me???

Cheesecake freddo al cocco quasi light


for the base:
250g digestive biscuits or cereal grains
100g butter

for the filling:
200 g whipping cream
400g philadelphia light
80 g desiccated coconut
100g of dark chocolate flakes
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
3 sheets gelatin
3 tablespoons milk or cream to dissolve the gelatin

In un mixer polverizzare i biscotti fino a ridurli in farina. Fondere il burro e lasciare raffreddare. Appena freddo aggiungerlo alla farina di biscotti e mescolare bene per amalgamare gli ingredienti. Foderare il fondo di uno stampo  apribile da 24 cm con della carta forno e versare il composto di burro e biscotti, livellando la superficie con il dorso di un cucchiaio per ottenere una base omogenea. Porre in frigorifero tutto il tempo necessario per la preparazione del ripieno. Mettere a bagno in acqua fredda la gelatina e nel frattempo montare la panna con le fruste elettriche. In una casseruola lavorare Philadelphia with the electric whisk the powdered sugar and creamy. Add the desiccated coconut and chocolate chips and mix on low to combine ingredients. Stir in the whipped cream with movements from the bottom up to composto.Strizzare not remove the gelatin and pour into a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of milk, put on the fire and dissolve. Quickly pour the cream cheese mixture and mix. Pour over biscuit base and level the surface. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut and place in the refrigerator overnight covered with aluminum foil.


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