Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mac Hacking Pokemon Roms


.. I can boast of having a friend with endless miles away, to know more than ten years, having lived fully in teens (I even brought my back on a roller coaster!), to have a little 'lost and then found and then re-lost and then found again in the years of adolescence not. Can I brag to hear on a regular basis but not on the phone, did not share with him the "everyday friendship" that you would share with his friend next door, not to get coffee for years, and I do not even remember if I took the coffee when I met him! Can I brag about his girlfriend, but only on the phone, I know what color their car just because I've seen in photos. I do not know when I shall see them (most likely at the wedding of one of the two), I know he has a snake with a new house, el 'I saw it, but in the picture, and the snake do not know yet .. Who says that people close to them must necessarily live them? We do not see a lot of years, yet we feel the same neighborhood, we tell our lives with all the new shades that have taken over the years, we exchange future plans, thoughts, words, and we have nothing to envy to those who lives every day, because we do, even from afar! ;)
.. Put a boring summer afternoon when you do not know what to do, put your best friend while working out which is always a thought for you, and put that on the day of that week is also a Monday ..
Add to that the friend in question is a kind girl, which in turn has a mom who cooks well (and judging by what he eats his friend on Monday could only venture that does not cook well .. . and I saw photos of sheets that you humans can not even imagine!) and also add that this weekend my friend and his girlfriend went for lunch to be kind to mother cooking property he has made a sweet lemon delicious you should definitely try this! "

"The friends I dressed my life."
This is what reads the advertisement of a famous brand of pasta ..
So Andrea asked Milena asked Marisa, and I had my recipe!
Milena thank you for having asked his mother, Marisa for sharing. And finally, thank you Andrea for telling me and suggested to try!

Dolce al limone di Marisa

Per la torta
4 uova
300 g di farina
300 g di zucchero
6 cucchiai di olio d'oliva
9 cucchiai d'acqua
2 limoni grattugiati e spremuti
1 bustina di lievito per dolci

Per la crema
2 limoni grattugiati e spremuti
300 ml di acqua
40 g of butter
50 g of potato starch
100 g of sugar

Working eggs with sugar and lemon zest until frothy. Add the sifted flour, lemon juice, water, oil, and then the yeast ( I have dissolved in a little warm milk ). Bake in the oven heated to 140 ° / 150 ° for 45 minutes ( obviously depends on the oven! ). Cool the cake, pies and divide in half. Prepare the cream in a saucepan, combining the juice and zest of two lemons, water, sugar, and butter the paper and let it simmer until it thickens. The cream tends to solidify, and then once prepared it is good to immediately fill the cake, let cool and place in refrigerator until ready to be served.


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