Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Teething Toddler Fever

Back home..

How beautiful when Rome no longer alive ... unable to appreciate the charm of everything, even the most trivial, without cursing the traffic, people and everything else that makes it different when you live every day. This was the first feeling I had when one morning in mid-July my Red Arrow has crossed the tracks of the Termini railway station. The train stops and the soft voice echoes in my neighbor's compartment still dormant. Shiver down my spine and I shake the torpor of a prolonged slumber. My excitement is not due to the athleticism of my neighbor across, far from it. E 'after missing a year "giving dialect" tattooed all over this bully ingelatinato and looks at you straight in the eye and says, "that Voj hand na??" then we thought, adding: "Co 'in' suitcase, I mean." "Maybe, thanks!" I replied, smiling right at home! :) The doors open and the heat that characterized Rome in the summer gets to me, and then I see my mother, who is there and waiting for me! :):) You arrive home after the customary greetings and gossip that are a must for a mother and daughter more friends than relatives, mi accingo a raggiungere la mia stanza: 
"Mamma??? ma hai spostato i mobili!!" "Sì" risponde lei. "Non mi piacevano in "quel modo". Adagio la valigia sul letto e... "Ma il mio materasso dov'è?" "Ah! l'ho cambiato di letto." Fa lei. Mentre sistemo le mie cose noto delle mancanze e  allora chiedo ancora:" Ma i miei trucchi non ci sono più?" "Eh no!!! ci si trucca Vale, lì adesso." Certo... come no!! ci si trucca Vale adesso... Potrei aggiungere anche i passanti delle tende rimossi perchè erano brutti e il copriletto eliminato perchè faceva tanto vecchio, insomma di me nella my room remained only the letters in wood that I had given my father to 13 years and a few pictures ... for the rest everything has changed, and it is too strange to realize that if you miss a year and the YOUR dialect makes you smile even if you chew it, that perhaps it is no longer your home! ! :)

Charlotte lovers for mother and sister
(from salt & pepper)

70 g of dark chocolate
1 egg + 1 egg
20 g of walnuts
100 ml of fresh cream
20 g of butter
20 g of icing sugar
1 tablespoon coffee
2 ladyfingers

Peel the egg separating yolk album. Chop chocolate and melt in a water bath with two tablespoons of water. Stir in the butter, icing sugar, the yolks and cook in water bath for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Allow to cool the cream, then incorporate the walnuts but one, coffee and biscuits crumbled working to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt, mix gently to the mixture and divide it into two glasses. Cool the mousse in the fridge for at least 4 hours before serving. Just before serving, whip the cream and divide it into two glasses garnished with the remaining walnuts.

He is my new friend "chop" ...
caress when he moans, he says: "Aoh?" :)


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