Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hiatus Hernia Operation-s

Ready to go..

few weeks ago was the D-Day or the day with a surprise cake and closely together to prevent crises like this: "No, I do not come!", we announced to Corto Maltese, the my , that we spent this year in Paris. The surprise was prepared long ago, and I have a proposal now in the enterprise pie, biting his tongue after a while ... I did everything by myself, "Yes, you could make a cake theme. "" Shut up.! "said a voice inside me .." You do not have time. "But I am undeterred:" You could make a cake shaped like a flag and place it over a mini Eiffel Tower. "" Hush for charity, we lack only the flag! "continue to suggest little voice inside me .. It was too late, because strangely my idea was supported in full, either by man of the mountain and the rest of the crew .. E ' Thus began my "Nightmare Before Christmas," yes, with a cake shaped like a flag. In all this, put the children, 3, ALL will be sick at least once during the month of December, and that the lady has suddenly decided they needed me, so you'll always free .. Put on a commitment I had made for some beautiful weekend of the month, and also let people to see, in cycles, and thankfully:) Other things to do, and Christmas gifts e. .. Um ... I suddenly realized that I had very little time. In addition I had to work on rectangular, and place it was the first time, and then with the doses I did not understand a lot .. I did put a sponge, and it was too low, so I made another and added a cake seemed decent. Put that way .. Just to complicate my life, I've suddenly decided to change the recipe of sugar paste, and that this is not successful the first time. Suppose then I re-tried, con la mia, e siccome il tempo non era dei migliori, ella abbia deciso di aver bisogno di più di un kg di zucchero, e che io non ne avessi, e che abbia fatto l'errore di aggiungervi maizena, e che abbia così creato una specie di pasta di marmo che manco per le lapidi... 

Allora siccome io sono una che non si arrende ho provato ancora, e alla terza volta ella riuscì... Ho fatto diversi errori per la mancanza di tempo, tipo assemblare la torta e farcirla 4 giorni prima e non avere poi un porta-dolce chiuso per conservarla. La torta si è così seccata e la pasta di zucchero anche, crepandosi sulla punta della torre e facendo risaltare, molto, i contorni imperfetti della scritta di auguri. Nonostante questo, però, ho realizzato un tortone (ho un tantino esagerato con le dosi! penso mi abbiano odiata...) di cui sono contenta, perchè è stata una sfida con me stessa e nell'imperfezione ho vinto io!!!  : ) Quando la mia consigliera di fiducia, detta Hitler, ha saputo dell'assemblaggio così in anticipo, mi ha quasi penetrato con il suo sguardo laser, lasciandomi indenne però, perchè a volte sa anche essere buona! ; ) E quando ha visto la torta, anzichè giustiziarmi seduta stante ha esclamato:" Eh! però, dai..." Che detto da lei.. : ) e mi ha suggerito l'acquisto "del scalpel "to cut out the letters. Of course, that Hitler is not encouraging, however, finish the letters without swearing all the saints of the calendar, it certainly helps ... especially at Christmas. After the consent of the adviser was the moment of celebration that just in front of the cake, in his imperturbable calm ago: "Oh good! yes the 150 years ... the mole! "The MOLE ??????" No you please give me a gun to shoot myself. ":) Tomorrow we are happy ...

Flag Cake
For the cake I used the recipe -like sponge cake decorating course I also patented for the cake before, adding only the aroma of orange. For the filling I used my custard flavored with orange. Before stuffing the cake (two actually, one above the other) I dampened with a bathroom decorated with 200 g of sugar, 200 ml of water and the zest of an 'orange.


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