Hello everyone!
This is intended as a Christmas gift from me to all my "readers"!
This is a translation of an article in the British magazine "Cakes and Sugarcraft" of Squires Kitchen www. / - Winter Edition 2010-2011. It 's a project by Vivian Lee for the construction of a cake step by step "Christmas tree" in coated and decorated with royal icing, I think there can be no better time to publish ......
thank Squires Kitchen and Vivian Lee who gave me the opportunity to put this article in my blog.
thank Squires Kitchen and Vivian Lee who gave me the opportunity to put this article in my blog.
I do not know how many of you have the courage and dare to try a company like that (especially because it lacks a few days at Christmas) but it seemed only right to give my contribution to spread here in Italy these amazing techniques, I know that fans like me will appreciate and will certainly many ideas to make beautiful cakes!
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Royal Icing
"Cake Christmas tree" by Vivian Lee
- a fruit cake (the cake is a traditional fruit cake English widely used as a base for cakes to be covered in marzipan and royal icing) minimum size: 35.5cm x 28cm
- apricot jelly
- 1.5kg marzipan Squires Kitchen
- Zucchero a velo per spolverare
- 1.5Kg Ghiaccia reale istantanea (Instant mix royal icing Squires Kitchen)
- Glicerina Squires Kitchen
- Brillantini Squires Kitchen (magic sparkles)
- Pennello da cucina
- Matterello antiaderente
- Carta forno
- 3 vassoi quadrati lato: 30.5cm per realizzare il run-out
- 1 vassoio circolare diametro 35.5cm
- 2 Smoothers (è una sorta di “pialla” che serve per lisciare il fondente or marzipan to the cake and have it fit perfectly)
- Boxcutter
- Turntable
- large and small spatulas
- long metal spatula - straight edge - (it's like a long metal ruler, is used to "pull" the ice well and level the top of the cake)
- for the first cake spatula - metal scraper side - (it's a steel trowel to about 12x11cm, which is used to level the side of the cakes)
- Sheets acetate
- Conetti in parchment paper (small pastry bag that you use the ice for real and can be made at home using the parchment paper)
- No Spouts 1 - 1.5 - 2 - and No. 50 (frill) at the base of the embroidery
- Table lamp (decorations to dry the run-out)
- Squires Kitchen Brush No
2 - Natural sponges (which can be used in contact with food)
- 1.2mt white satin ribbon (15mm high)
- non-toxic glue stick
Cover the cake with marzipan
1 If the cake has an uneven surface, making the top with a knife. Flip the cake upside down, the bottom surface of the cake will become the top.
superimpose on the cake design shaft attachment (see diagram below) and cut the cake giving it the shape of the tree.
2 Brush the top of the cake with apricot jelly.
well Knead for 3 1 / 3 of the marzipan until it is soft and malleable. Roll out the marzipan with a rolling pin until it has a thickness of 5mm. Sistemiamolo and on a sheet with parchment paper. Place the top of the marzipan on the cake and cut the excess marzipan around the cake.

6 reward for good with two smoothers (spatulas to "plane") on both edges of each leaf at the same time so as to adhere well to the marzipan and level the sides of our tree, to make ends well pointed . Allow to dry thoroughly before proceeding with marzipan coverage in real ice.
Cover the cake with royal icing
1 The first day cover, prepare a portion of ice using 1 kg of "Squires Kitchen Instant mix royal icing "following the instructions on the package.
We bring the ice to a consistency "soft peak" (a medium soft texture), add 2 teaspoons of glycerin Squires Kitchen every 500g of ice. (This is to prevent the ice to harden too much and make it impossible to cut the cake)
2 Place cake on the turntable. Spatula a bit 'of ice on the sides of the tree, level with the ice movements on the right and left as if "remassimo" (this will get rid of imperfections and air bubbles from the surface of our ice)
3 Using a steel trowel, level the whole profile of the cake, to make the smoothest possible surface of the ice. Finished for good by helping all corners of the cake with the spatula removing any excess ice from the tray also.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to play again with the ice across the other side of the cake twice (this will make the surface of the cake perfectly smooth and homogeneous).
5 Spatolato about 200g of icing evenly over the cake in front of always using a movement "back and forth" with a spatula. Now let's take the long blade to "ruler" and level the top of the cake. We remove the access of ice along the edge with a spatula. Let the icing dry completely.
6 Repeat step n. 5 two more times. When the ice is completely dry, turning the cake on the other side and repeat the point n. 5 three times, also holding this side of torta, lasciamo asciugare la ghiaccia perfettamente.
Note: Non preoccupatevi se la copertura della torta in ghiaccia non risultasse perfetta, perché successivamente, quando assemblerete la torta, potrete utilizzare un pezzo di spugna naturale e picchiettare la superficie della torta con un po’ di ghiaccia dando un effetto “spugnato” che ricorda la neve fresca.
7 Ricopriamo il vassoio rotondo (di 35.5cm di diametro) con la ghiaccia per due volte, lasciando asciugare perfettamente dopo ogni copertura.
8 Solleviamo l’albero ed appoggiamolo verticalmente sul vassoio helping us with some 'ice to paste the base of the tray.
Angels and slide
prepare a portion of a real ice using Squires Kitchen 500g Instant Royal Icing Mix. Do not add glycerin this time.

3 created the exterior lines of the design using a jet No 1 or 1.5 in a small cone of wax paper, use a freshly made ice.

5 Fill a paper cone oven is not too small (without Becuccio) with this ghiaccia, tagliamo la punta del conetto con le forbici per ottenere un foro (per la fuoriuscita della ghiaccia) di circa 3/4mm.
Riempiamo lo spazio interno di ciascun disegno con questa ghiaccia.

7 Quando queste decorazioni saranno perfettamente asciutte stacchiamole molto delicatamente dall’acetato sollevando con una spatolina (fate molta attenzione!!!).
Note: Per ottenere una better definition of the design when you use one color for the run-out, as in this case, one must study well the design and fill in the various parts in sections, beginning with the first and second floor areas for the last parts in the foreground , leaving each side to dry before going to fill the zone "adjacent." This is to prevent the ice even join fresh and flatten the design prevents to distinguish details.
wings of angels and snowflakes

2 Still working on a piece of acetate, we make the snowflakes with a spout No 2 (see snowflake schema in the bottom of the page)
3 Once implemented these particles, brush the wings and the flakes of snow with the Magic Sparkles SK glitter and let dry.


2 hours use the pourer 050 and create the crimped edge along the base of the tree. We complete the pattern with small dots
throughout the profile.
3 Tape angels on both the front and back of the cake with a little helping 'of ice to attack the wings of angels with the ice texture "soft peak" (average soft)
Paste 4 hours in our snowflakes. pleasure is on the cake on the tray, this is an excellent remedy to hide any imperfections!
5 Place the cake on the turntable, using the freshly made ice in a cone with a spout no. Realize one of the lines suspended "banner" on both the front and back of the cake.
6 Help with a little 'fresh ice tray placed on the slide el'angioletto with a bow.
7 completely glued to the white satin ribbon around the tray using the glue stick (not toxic)
NB These are the patterns, plans to achieve the various parts of the cake, (I copied directly to the page of article) found under the Christmas tree while the text below the snowflake and the angels.
To contact Squires Kitchen visit their website: www. / have anche un negozio on line.

To contact Squires Kitchen visit their website: www. / have anche un negozio on line.
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