Monday, December 27, 2010

Keurig Can You Putmilk Instead Of Water


I wake from days of intense, full, full and overflowing with colorful shades of rich emotions, accompanied by the right people, made them special. In all this there is also the Christmas tasted in a while and flew away before I knew it, but that moment had a flavor so intense that even if I concentrate, I can smell it .. This year, the moments that preceded it were saturated with emotions: I was happy, sad, angry, I was excited, I was flattered, very busy, never bored, I felt lost and found again, and still proud and then disorientated again. I lived in limbo for a few days and suddenly I woke up in a blaze of packages and parcels, cards and fioccchettini that, like every year, manage to get me back baby and experience the same emotions of so many years ago.
Today, though far from my childhood, I can retrieve the joys and pains to reconstruct the puzzle of my happiness. Today, I feel next to all the people I love, and not present, far and near, old and new friends, acquaintances and semi-strangers, and I can feel saturated with a myriad of shared moments that, in spite of who does not believe, make me a new person, full and complete every day ..

cake sharing
(shared with Simon, Martin and even the waiter )...)

For the base
3 eggs
170 g of flour
150 g di zucchero
100 ml di acqua
2 cucchiai di olio di semi
aroma di vaniglia 
1/2 bustina di lievito

Sbattere gli albumi senza montarli, aggiungere un tuorlo alla volta continuando a sbattere per almeno 10 minuti. Aggiungere l'aroma do vaniglia, lo zucchero rain stirring, then water, oil and flour together to lievito.Versare the dough into a buttered and floured mold (mine was from 16) and bake in preheated oven for 40 ' 'to 175 °.

for the stuffing

dark chocolate 100 g
cream 50 ml

Break the chocolate fondant. Meanwhile, place the cream in a saucepan and heat until boiling. Add the chopped chocolate and stir until mixture is smooth and dense. Allow to cool before stuffing the cake.

NB The recipes used for the base and the filling of the cake are those that I learned attending the dressing a few months ago. Speaking of sharing, thank you Claudia for sharing it with us:)


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