Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Poptropica How To Be


There is an air of festivity, and too elevated from the ground I walk around with an open umbrella humming "Singing in the rain" and Despite the fatigue that accompanies each year these days before Christmas, I discovered to still be receptive and that, despite the "physique du role" by Nanny McPhee, I can still surprise a lot of things ..
are careful observer, and even if people do not look particularly catch my attention, I can take a myriad of details that belong to them. Since I moved, I note with amazement that a blind man, in the company of his stick, explores how the neighborhood could see perfectly. Can feel the corners, crossings, traffic lights, barriers like with bionic eye capable to replace her, that to do not work more. I have often seen going to buy bread and live everyday so obvious that having overcome unthinkable obstacles with a disarming naturalness. I was amazed solitude emanating man, alone and with his club in search of normality .. I often found myself cursing myself for that uncomfortable feeling of compassion that I had to see it go. I hate to feel compassion for others, it is a terrible form of disrespect, it's like not trust them ..
few weeks ago, while chilly waiting for the bus, I see it arrive .. had to face a different light and I immediately noticed that he had not his club. A guide was a chubby Golden Retriever puppy that champagne and having chest work, watched his master accompanying him here and there. From that day I met them often, almost every time, and humans have always seen the light, and a smile that seemed to assist him in his path. Lost in observing the puppy, I almost escaped notice how his walks were interspersed with pauses, in which man, with a love that touched me, leaned on his new friend and gently caressed him as if to say " Thanks "..

540 grams of flour + 7 gr. Cocoa
182 g butter 140 g honey

126 grams of dark brown sugar
50 grams of sugar
1 tbsp of ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon
and half of ginger
teaspoon of clove powder
180 g of water
1 pinch di sale

In un pentolino scaldare l’acqua insieme al miele, gli zuccheri e le spezie e, mescolando di continuo, portare a ebollizione. Spegnere, aggiungere il burro a pezzetti e mescolare finché non sia del tutto fuso.
In una ciotola capiente versare la farina e il lievito, mescolare e aggiungere a filo il composto al miele ancora caldo. Mescolare bene finché l’impasto sia omogeneo; se necessario, aggiungere altra farina fino ad the dough is soft but workable without attacks too. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Working a little dough at a time, keeping the remainder in the refrigerator. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured cutting board, to a thickness of about 2mm (if you want crisp, you should straighten the highest). Cut out cookies with stencils to taste and arrange on a plate lined with baking paper. Bake at 170 degrees for about ten minutes and let cool on a wire rack. Store in tins.


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