Sunday, October 24, 2010

Free Gerber Baby Spoon With Baby Name Engraved


"Flavia?? Help me to do English? " This is the phrase that I fear most. Yes, because children "modern" form in a jiffy equivalence TATA = homework done (which she of course !!!). I sincerely for no reason at all I'm going to suggest times of verbs or phrases already made and we begin our adventure with Daniel on Friday afternoon: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
No okay, but the friend of Tom's name?? has an unpronounceable name for a child 10 years .. already the name of the poor Sawyer took nuances that I think even he knew, let alone his friend Huckleberry Finn .. During our adventure without his knowledge Tom has become a girl, lived with Polly the squirrel (which in truth would be his aunt !!!), was scolded by the teacher because they came early to school (to find a teacher you advised to arrive late!) and last but not least was teased by his classmates because they become a female. "Daniel?? Read good .. like a child to become a girl? "" Ah, true! "he says .." is made fun of because the teacher tells him to sit with the girls. "He rolls his eyes and innocently asked:" Bravo! You know all these words? well done! "" Just look at the pictures! "he says, and implied there was an" idiot! "As I recomposed, do a design for the small, in the meantime I suggest a sentence at large and try to manage the dog in throes of a hysterical feeling "the shark" biting back at all, Daniel begins: "What does it mean Today?" and I try as a first broccola helping with the days of the week hoping that captures that it is an adverb of time, but he misses, and so illudendomi di suggerirgli l'indizio del secolo esclamo:" Dai! today, tomorrow..????" "Toyota!!" conclude lui..Per un attimo credo di aver assunto un espressione neutra, in un nano-secondo ho dovuto decidere se ridere o se piangere: ho optato per la prima, e a crepapelle; mi è sembrata quella più adeguata! : )

Torta di amaretti, cioccolato e pere
(ricetta scopiazzata da qui )

100 g di amaretti
170 g di burro
200 g di cioccolato fondente
200 g di farina
1/2 bustina di lievito
700 g di pere
4 uova
350 ml of wine Moscato
150 g of sugar

Peel the pears and cut into quarters, taking care to remove the seeds and the central hard part. Place them in a saucepan and sprinkle in a radial pattern of Muscat wine and cook over high heat without stirring until complete absorption of the liquid. Melt chocolate in double boiler and add 100 g of butter until a smooth cream, leave to cool. Beat the egg whites until stiff with 50 g of sugar. Work the yolks with the remaining sugar until a smooth. Add to that the cooled chocolate, amaretti crumbs, flour and mixed thoroughly after the yeast. In a 20 cm springform pan lined with parchment, pour half the mixture, place the pears in a radial pattern and close with the remaining mixture. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 "or so. Allow to cool in the pan to prevent loose and then unmold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


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