Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suzanne Somers Spray On Foundation

What's my destiny Dragon Ball??

Venerdì sbirciando le novità sui blog dei miei "guru", ho visto che  Il Nanni (Yes I know, he always ..)
had posted a beautiful puff pastry and with it the recipe pastry for a single dose (usually the amount of scare before watch the proceedings.) My "first time" with the dough is not a good memory, nobody said anything munching my puff pastry marble, and after that I had once vowed that before trying the pasta of time it would pass, and it is almost a year now. . In view of the use proposed by Nanni I thought it was time to try again, and here I am agree more with The uncle Piero when he says that is not enough to study the whole procedure to learn how to make the dough to make a puff pastry! Oh no!
Friday night I set to work and begin to bend and fold finquando my beautiful loaf of dough into four portions and is ready to be cooked the next day that thou speakest the perfect ... sin I had not taken into account that the balance has decided to jam while adding the paltry amount of salt. I, ignorant of all, I almost get emotional in front of the oven when peering me realize that my dough is not losing the small amount of butter in cooking (the last time I lost it all !!!!!). E' bella e perfetta come il sole, e a cottura ultimata mi ritrovo i miei quattro dischi perfetti e per nulla deformati. Di essi mi avanza qualche pezzetto che cuocio e per fortuna decido di assaggiare: a chi, se non a me, poteva capitare la sfiga di creare una sfoglia salata arrabbiata???? Urla. Odio. Sfoglia nella spazzatura con la promessa di non riprovarci mai più. La sera di sabato sono di nuovo lì che impasto e piego: è una sfida ormai, tra me e lei... e sembra quasi destino che ogni volta che provo, lei decida di non riuscire. "Tanto ci riprovo finquando non mi vieni, cara." intimo alla sfoglia. Questa volta lei, impietosita dal mio perseverare, riesce. In cottura però si deforma un tantino ma questo non mi impedisce di assemblare my second puff pastry, of course imperfect! At lunchtime I look forward to the time of shear, because the first time was a drama, with the cream pouring out from all orifices, but this time no ... like a melody I heard the crack in the pastry knife: a moment of emotion took hold of me and I could not help but clap and shout: "It 's coming!, is coming !!!!" before the astonished gaze of the other diners that, I'm sure, must have thought: "No but oh well this is crazy!"

my yarrow
(prescription and doses of Nanni )

330 g of dough
120 ml cream
500 ml of milk
2 eggs
40 g of flour
150 g of sugar
vanilla extract or vanilla extract
chocolate chips

extract from the 4 discs of puff pastry dough exactly alike and cook in the oven following the directions of Nanni / Uncle piero . Meanwhile prepare the cream (I used the my recipe ), leave to cool in refrigerator at least 4 hours and then add 120 ml of whipped cream with a teaspoon of sugar. Place one disk of dough on a platter and pour some cream and chocolate chips, cover with the second disc continues in the same manner until all of the disks. Sprinkle the last record with icing sugar and place in refrigerator.


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