Friday, August 27, 2010

Reddish Brown Color And White Dogs

A gift for me

This year, unlike the others I decided I passed the gift on my birthday. I usually prefer to bet on the card as a surprise, but when you go full years to ask yourself: "I take it? No, not take it. Yes I'll take it from, oh well no not take it." That's birthday seemed a good opportunity for me to give without being in front of the skeleton like Hamlet going crazy on the 'To be or not be. " And so, after asking alms for the whole family, collecting coins from living uncles, grandparents, half-dead and missing relatives, so it was that took it. :) After arduous research online at lowest price, he asked my oracle personal purchases, and not only, I have chosen a site. Being a big chain I trusted with my eyes closed, but just made the order for my suspicious nature nature, could not help but get caught in several studies to test the reliability of the site: It all came out chetelodicoaffà ... people who never received the product, having ordered several others who have received barely one. Then I read about others whose order is miraculously well and broken, others who received it but then the carrier has delivered without packaging. Absolute sadness and despair. I'll be back on the site and read that my gift should have it in your hands within two days, but I miss a crucial part that says "within two days of delivery to the carrier." Of course, the gift does not arrive two days after the event and want the sites to track the shipment has not been updated at all. After seven days according to the Scriptures, sad and forlorn call the call center: a child unresponsive in a hot August morning calmly and "de Voja saltame work on him," she says, "Yes, yes the order was filled and the goods game yesterday from Porto Torres. " "Porto Torres?" I do, "Oh well but I love you !!!!" I think to myself. And so begins the wait ......
already guess without the gift pack, full of scratches and broken but also am happy same. By the order I have recommended to ensure the recipient's identity card because here, in the house where I was born, that is not common, I swear! "mi casa es tu casa" and also take possession of all orders not them. After 14 days (-10 to order and birthday), when it, like a good pessimist, I had already given up the idea of \u200b\u200ba birthday "scartereccio" sounds the bell, I, version gardener Dress warm and with anti-base anti-mosquito rispondo e chiedo chi è, un omino tutto rosso dall'altro capo del filo risponde Bartolini. :) : ) : ) : ) Quando l'ho visto lui è stato senz'altro l'uomo più bello del mondo, nonostante mi abbia detto:" Sei te Flavia???" ed io "Sì, io." "Tiè!" e praticamente mi ha lanciato il regalo, ha sgommato e se ne è andato. Ma non doveva accertarsi dell'identità mediante documento? 

Cheesecake chocolate hazelnut


for the base:
200 g digestive biscuits or cereal grains
80 g butter
20 g di nocciole tostate

per il ripieno:
500 g di ricotta
3 uova
100 g di zucchero
1 bustina di vanillina
200 g di cioccolato gianduia
granella di nocciole per decorare

Far fondere il burro e lasciarlo raffreddare. Polverizzare nel mixer i biscotti insieme alle nocciole, aggiungere il burro freddo mescolando per amalgamare bene gli ingredienti. Rivestire uno stampo a cerniera da 24 cm di carta forno e infarinarne e imburrarne edges. Pour the mixture into the mold making the surface with the back of a spoon and place in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Melt chocolate in double boiler and let cool. Meanwhile work ricotta with the sugar by combining the egg yolks one at a time and vanilla. Stir in the cooled chocolate mixture and mix well. Whisk egg whites until stiff adding to the mixture several times with movements from the bottom up. Pour the mixture over the biscuit base and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Let the cake cool, place in refrigerator at least 3 hours, preferably overnight covered with a sheet of alluminio.Spolverizzarne the surface with the chopped hazelnuts.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Logitech Eyetoy Free Drivers

Alta fedeltà

.. and the ancient friendship,
the joy of being human and dog
turned into one animal
moving six-legged walking
and a tail full of dew.

(Pablo Neruda)

It 's amazing the complete confidence that a dog is able to gift to man. It may seem trivial and obvious, but if you just reflect for a moment, is immense depth with which an "animal" is capable of loving. During repeated summer visits to my new furry friend chop, I had noticed in passing another. A brown puppy so thin and fast movements do not exist almost .. The "small" is sneaking around looking for food, he is scared, thin and with a crooked paw, suggesting that it was invested. He is so afraid that you close when you're back, almost touching you, but as soon as you turn around he's not there anymore. Twice the little quadruped threatened to kill me heart attacks and even torn alive, since the gift was carrying two huge bones of the knee, which would chop crumbled in a nano-second as if they were peanuts. "Careful, it's dangerous!" I was told, "attack from behind when you do not expect it." But I, a champion of justice more stubborn than Sailor Moon, I'm not on for victory. Several times I tried a useless approach did everything for love-come-hither and unnecessary kissing the sound of which the little dog in question vanished as Willy leaving the coyote like an idiot talking to herself, laughed at by every passerby. One day I find myself in front of my gate, look at me and seems to ask: "What are you doing? I open??" Then open it, and after a rapid emergence me find him lying on the grass waiting to cuddle .. Now there is a fixed time, he rises to 19.00, is set and waits che gli apra. Si sdraia sul prato, si fa coccolare e poi se c'è anche qualcosa da mangiare lo accetta volentieri, altrimenti vuole essere accompagnato fuori, perchè da solo non va, e se ne torna a casa.Ora, io sarò anche patetica e in crisi di astinenza da cucciolo, però  non è di una dolcezza disarmante che questo animaletto ve nga in silenzio a trovarmi tutte le sere solo per rotolarsi sul mio prato e farsi coccolare da me???

Cheesecake freddo al cocco quasi light


for the base:
250g digestive biscuits or cereal grains
100g butter

for the filling:
200 g whipping cream
400g philadelphia light
80 g desiccated coconut
100g of dark chocolate flakes
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
3 sheets gelatin
3 tablespoons milk or cream to dissolve the gelatin

In un mixer polverizzare i biscotti fino a ridurli in farina. Fondere il burro e lasciare raffreddare. Appena freddo aggiungerlo alla farina di biscotti e mescolare bene per amalgamare gli ingredienti. Foderare il fondo di uno stampo  apribile da 24 cm con della carta forno e versare il composto di burro e biscotti, livellando la superficie con il dorso di un cucchiaio per ottenere una base omogenea. Porre in frigorifero tutto il tempo necessario per la preparazione del ripieno. Mettere a bagno in acqua fredda la gelatina e nel frattempo montare la panna con le fruste elettriche. In una casseruola lavorare Philadelphia with the electric whisk the powdered sugar and creamy. Add the desiccated coconut and chocolate chips and mix on low to combine ingredients. Stir in the whipped cream with movements from the bottom up to composto.Strizzare not remove the gelatin and pour into a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of milk, put on the fire and dissolve. Quickly pour the cream cheese mixture and mix. Pour over biscuit base and level the surface. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut and place in the refrigerator overnight covered with aluminum foil.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brands Of Soap To Curefolliculitis


"Who are you?" "Grandpa, are Flavia." Is not convinced. It 's so, quizzically, my grandfather looked at me from novantaquattrenne down the hallway of his house. "Kill yourself if you done good, you've become 'na" miss ".." Sure! just a "miss" too bad that two minutes before he asked me who I was. :) It 's great to know that your grandfather finds you as beautiful as a "miss" not even recognize you, has something mystical about that .. This time, however, come on, it went well again. We do not forget the time I came up beside the car giving me Lei "What is Candid Camera??" Incredulos I kept repeating, as he unabashedly called me young lady. We move into the kitchen. Approach number two: Grandma.
"Bella de 'grandmother would not ever come up to trovamme!" Needless to explain that I live in Turin for a year and are still awaiting the gift of ubiquity .. "How beautiful you are, you're married?" "But no grandmother, you would have heard at least .." "But you're there to do in Turin, full of smogghe, people nun laughs, but you miss Roma nun? Your house?" Tough question .... reflect and then cast answer: "In Rome I miss mom and chicory .."
And incredibly to the word "chicory" Amplifon's come on suddenly and both thundering: "CHICORY??" And I explain that it is quite easy to find the chicory in Turin, and I do not drink the water purification and cooking fantastic Ciriola of stuffed vegetable sauté with garlic. Then the story that I like Turin, we live well, even people like me, are all nice in their confidence that as a good Roman appreciate very much. They are always the same, she eighty-four years is just a little fatter but not a wrinkle on the skin. He goes to ninety and, if it was not because staggers a bit 'I mean to remember that way forever. "How are you?" dreaded question, what are you doing? if you do not seem to ask that you do not give a damn .. "Grandpa has been sick co prostate, and then rejected, and I co the belly and just yesterday I was dying," "Damn!" I do not at all surprised, because they are at least twelve years that she may die one day yes and one no, "Cos' you got?" I ask already knowing the answer and repeat it softly with her: "A disturb". Now ... What is "the disorder "???????? I know you can get it, but if I had to explain the symptoms really do not know how ... "The disorder" is something like a faint, a simple stomach ache, a feeling a bit 'so .. only that you would like to say that he had "a disorder"? it sounds much, much worse, right? :):)

Chocolate cake with apricot and amaretti
( Recipe Saffron Yellow )

100 g amaretti
150 g of butter
200 g of dark chocolate
100 g flour 00
100 ml of milk
4 medium eggs
150 g of icing sugar
4 whole pitted apricots in syrup or as a garnish
6 macaroons whole for garnish
2 tablespoons apricot jam

Melt the chocolate in bain-marie with milk and butter cut into small pieces. Stir to combine ingredients and let cool. Whip the egg yolks with 2 / 3 of the icing sugar until frothy and smooth. Beat the egg whites with remaining sugar and store in refrigerator for not removing the compound. Finely chop the macaroons in a food processor. Add sugar to egg mixture and melted chocolate with the butter and milk and mix. Add the sifted flour Mix with a spatola.A this point, add half the egg whites with incorporating a movement from the bottom up. Add the amaretti powder and the remaining egg whites. Pour the batter into a buttered tart mold and dusted with bread crumbs. Depriving Apricot Kernel and put the dough to form a whole corolla. Complete the entire corolla with the six macaroons. Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° for 45 ° (toothpick test). Once cooked, let cool and brush with the apricot jam or jelly before serving.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Can Tonsil Turn Cancerous

Piccole donne crescono..

.. But you're not "great"! Nooooooooooo I'm just going to .. enta! I'm not old, because great is not it a synonym for "old "??!!! The ultimate compliment to my sister was, "Uh look! Starting to have crow's feet under the eyes too!" The legs of that?? Just two days ago the sea with my friend greets me a big girl taller than me (and it takes very little!), With hair down the back, two brown eyes with long eyelashes like a highway. My friend, a quiet look at me and says: "Growing up, eh?" "I ask quizzically:" Yes, but who is? "She said," But Laura, my sister! "Yeah, Laura ... I checked for a moment the gray wig, tremors and even the stick .. Laura I remember her with a red dress and pigtails ... It does not end here, because once a quarter of an hour we reached even Antonio (brother ..) and there the second stroke, which threatened to leave me crippled. Antonio has "only" 27 years, fidanzatissimo, and a high nineties with a deep voice and dark ... But sììììììììììììì!! We just did the high school when I went home and Mioddio if the time is past! Yet she seems to look the same, the voice is still the same years ago. But since my birthday is coming, and even the "enta" then a few days ago called L.: How are you? as you're not? And the car? and M.? curiosity and wonder at the end: "But my Cicciottina how are you??, send me some pictures that I'm in withdrawal symptoms from baby?" He said, "He's doing very well! Is good, good, now has the first bath to the sea and the like (not the first bath of the sea, which I attended as a guest of honor, did not like it at all, it is set in daemon mode and practically shouted till the facendocela pay at all, "m'avete washed? and I will destroy you!" And she won! Cicciottina .. Well this holiday has lost his hair, is reached 4 kg, sporting a sky blue eyes, the face of those who said that he had brown hair and nice girl today's circuit who has taken the next is looking him straight in the eyes and bright smiles showing off: Ah babies! While L. sweet voice told by new father, I gnawing taken by an attack of nostalgia (now they are newly-addicted, there is a recovery center?) and I felt incredibly old! Elena was born just two months and a few days and while everything flows around me, and I with all that surrounds me, she has already lived a lot of discoveries now knows the sweetness of a smile, the warmth of the sea ' summer, the softness of fresh water, the pleasure of food .. and only two months she also knows how encircles a man! that mean? When you're a teenager can not wait to be 18 years old and time seems to pass ever. After eighteen strangely time runs so fast that it seems never to stop, and thirty ... perhaps thirty that we have the first perception of time, it acquires the knowledge of its flow, we are seeing the first changes in themselves and in others, and you begin to appreciate "all" in part, and inevitably look with different eyes, eyes mature. Maybe it's thirty for the first time you have the feeling that they have become really great ...

sweet ricotta and chocolate
(taken from: Dulcis in furno )

250 g of flour
100 g di ricotta
100 g di nocciole tritate
100g di cioccolato fondente
200 g di zucchero
50 g di burro fuso
2 uova
un pizzico di sale
mezza bustin a di lievito per dolci
latte q.b.

Montare lo zucchero con le uova fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso. Aggiungere il burro fuso, la ricotta ed il sale e la farina setacciata e mescolare. If the mixture is too dry you can add milk to soften it, as it requires the mixture.
Combine the hazelnuts and chocolate and mix well. Add the yeast dissolved in a little lukewarm milk. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake at 150 ° / 170 ° for about 55 minutes (do the toothpick test!). Once transformed and cooled, dust with powdered sugar.

Tenderly ...


Smiling.... : )

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mac Hacking Pokemon Roms


.. I can boast of having a friend with endless miles away, to know more than ten years, having lived fully in teens (I even brought my back on a roller coaster!), to have a little 'lost and then found and then re-lost and then found again in the years of adolescence not. Can I brag to hear on a regular basis but not on the phone, did not share with him the "everyday friendship" that you would share with his friend next door, not to get coffee for years, and I do not even remember if I took the coffee when I met him! Can I brag about his girlfriend, but only on the phone, I know what color their car just because I've seen in photos. I do not know when I shall see them (most likely at the wedding of one of the two), I know he has a snake with a new house, el 'I saw it, but in the picture, and the snake do not know yet .. Who says that people close to them must necessarily live them? We do not see a lot of years, yet we feel the same neighborhood, we tell our lives with all the new shades that have taken over the years, we exchange future plans, thoughts, words, and we have nothing to envy to those who lives every day, because we do, even from afar! ;)
.. Put a boring summer afternoon when you do not know what to do, put your best friend while working out which is always a thought for you, and put that on the day of that week is also a Monday ..
Add to that the friend in question is a kind girl, which in turn has a mom who cooks well (and judging by what he eats his friend on Monday could only venture that does not cook well .. . and I saw photos of sheets that you humans can not even imagine!) and also add that this weekend my friend and his girlfriend went for lunch to be kind to mother cooking property he has made a sweet lemon delicious you should definitely try this! "

"The friends I dressed my life."
This is what reads the advertisement of a famous brand of pasta ..
So Andrea asked Milena asked Marisa, and I had my recipe!
Milena thank you for having asked his mother, Marisa for sharing. And finally, thank you Andrea for telling me and suggested to try!

Dolce al limone di Marisa

Per la torta
4 uova
300 g di farina
300 g di zucchero
6 cucchiai di olio d'oliva
9 cucchiai d'acqua
2 limoni grattugiati e spremuti
1 bustina di lievito per dolci

Per la crema
2 limoni grattugiati e spremuti
300 ml di acqua
40 g of butter
50 g of potato starch
100 g of sugar

Working eggs with sugar and lemon zest until frothy. Add the sifted flour, lemon juice, water, oil, and then the yeast ( I have dissolved in a little warm milk ). Bake in the oven heated to 140 ° / 150 ° for 45 minutes ( obviously depends on the oven! ). Cool the cake, pies and divide in half. Prepare the cream in a saucepan, combining the juice and zest of two lemons, water, sugar, and butter the paper and let it simmer until it thickens. The cream tends to solidify, and then once prepared it is good to immediately fill the cake, let cool and place in refrigerator until ready to be served.