Sunday, October 24, 2010

Free Gerber Baby Spoon With Baby Name Engraved


"Flavia?? Help me to do English? " This is the phrase that I fear most. Yes, because children "modern" form in a jiffy equivalence TATA = homework done (which she of course !!!). I sincerely for no reason at all I'm going to suggest times of verbs or phrases already made and we begin our adventure with Daniel on Friday afternoon: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
No okay, but the friend of Tom's name?? has an unpronounceable name for a child 10 years .. already the name of the poor Sawyer took nuances that I think even he knew, let alone his friend Huckleberry Finn .. During our adventure without his knowledge Tom has become a girl, lived with Polly the squirrel (which in truth would be his aunt !!!), was scolded by the teacher because they came early to school (to find a teacher you advised to arrive late!) and last but not least was teased by his classmates because they become a female. "Daniel?? Read good .. like a child to become a girl? "" Ah, true! "he says .." is made fun of because the teacher tells him to sit with the girls. "He rolls his eyes and innocently asked:" Bravo! You know all these words? well done! "" Just look at the pictures! "he says, and implied there was an" idiot! "As I recomposed, do a design for the small, in the meantime I suggest a sentence at large and try to manage the dog in throes of a hysterical feeling "the shark" biting back at all, Daniel begins: "What does it mean Today?" and I try as a first broccola helping with the days of the week hoping that captures that it is an adverb of time, but he misses, and so illudendomi di suggerirgli l'indizio del secolo esclamo:" Dai! today, tomorrow..????" "Toyota!!" conclude lui..Per un attimo credo di aver assunto un espressione neutra, in un nano-secondo ho dovuto decidere se ridere o se piangere: ho optato per la prima, e a crepapelle; mi è sembrata quella più adeguata! : )

Torta di amaretti, cioccolato e pere
(ricetta scopiazzata da qui )

100 g di amaretti
170 g di burro
200 g di cioccolato fondente
200 g di farina
1/2 bustina di lievito
700 g di pere
4 uova
350 ml of wine Moscato
150 g of sugar

Peel the pears and cut into quarters, taking care to remove the seeds and the central hard part. Place them in a saucepan and sprinkle in a radial pattern of Muscat wine and cook over high heat without stirring until complete absorption of the liquid. Melt chocolate in double boiler and add 100 g of butter until a smooth cream, leave to cool. Beat the egg whites until stiff with 50 g of sugar. Work the yolks with the remaining sugar until a smooth. Add to that the cooled chocolate, amaretti crumbs, flour and mixed thoroughly after the yeast. In a 20 cm springform pan lined with parchment, pour half the mixture, place the pears in a radial pattern and close with the remaining mixture. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 "or so. Allow to cool in the pan to prevent loose and then unmold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suzanne Somers Spray On Foundation

What's my destiny Dragon Ball??

Venerdì sbirciando le novità sui blog dei miei "guru", ho visto che  Il Nanni (Yes I know, he always ..)
had posted a beautiful puff pastry and with it the recipe pastry for a single dose (usually the amount of scare before watch the proceedings.) My "first time" with the dough is not a good memory, nobody said anything munching my puff pastry marble, and after that I had once vowed that before trying the pasta of time it would pass, and it is almost a year now. . In view of the use proposed by Nanni I thought it was time to try again, and here I am agree more with The uncle Piero when he says that is not enough to study the whole procedure to learn how to make the dough to make a puff pastry! Oh no!
Friday night I set to work and begin to bend and fold finquando my beautiful loaf of dough into four portions and is ready to be cooked the next day that thou speakest the perfect ... sin I had not taken into account that the balance has decided to jam while adding the paltry amount of salt. I, ignorant of all, I almost get emotional in front of the oven when peering me realize that my dough is not losing the small amount of butter in cooking (the last time I lost it all !!!!!). E' bella e perfetta come il sole, e a cottura ultimata mi ritrovo i miei quattro dischi perfetti e per nulla deformati. Di essi mi avanza qualche pezzetto che cuocio e per fortuna decido di assaggiare: a chi, se non a me, poteva capitare la sfiga di creare una sfoglia salata arrabbiata???? Urla. Odio. Sfoglia nella spazzatura con la promessa di non riprovarci mai più. La sera di sabato sono di nuovo lì che impasto e piego: è una sfida ormai, tra me e lei... e sembra quasi destino che ogni volta che provo, lei decida di non riuscire. "Tanto ci riprovo finquando non mi vieni, cara." intimo alla sfoglia. Questa volta lei, impietosita dal mio perseverare, riesce. In cottura però si deforma un tantino ma questo non mi impedisce di assemblare my second puff pastry, of course imperfect! At lunchtime I look forward to the time of shear, because the first time was a drama, with the cream pouring out from all orifices, but this time no ... like a melody I heard the crack in the pastry knife: a moment of emotion took hold of me and I could not help but clap and shout: "It 's coming!, is coming !!!!" before the astonished gaze of the other diners that, I'm sure, must have thought: "No but oh well this is crazy!"

my yarrow
(prescription and doses of Nanni )

330 g of dough
120 ml cream
500 ml of milk
2 eggs
40 g of flour
150 g of sugar
vanilla extract or vanilla extract
chocolate chips

extract from the 4 discs of puff pastry dough exactly alike and cook in the oven following the directions of Nanni / Uncle piero . Meanwhile prepare the cream (I used the my recipe ), leave to cool in refrigerator at least 4 hours and then add 120 ml of whipped cream with a teaspoon of sugar. Place one disk of dough on a platter and pour some cream and chocolate chips, cover with the second disc continues in the same manner until all of the disks. Sprinkle the last record with icing sugar and place in refrigerator.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Model Tall Ship Rigging Diagram

..miss U!

Ieri ad una colazione di "lavoro" (che di lavoro aveva solo io&lui, ormai ex colleghi di uno pseudo lavoro remoto..) si parlava della nostra precarietà e del fatto che non si riesca a trovare un lavoro decente, neppure uno in cui "ti fai il mazzo" ma guadagni abbastanza per vivere. No, oggi trovi solo pseudo-lavori in cui "ti fai il mazzo" e non guadagni enough ... And since that was the theme of "work", now alas! is frequent topic of conversation, (and I refer not only to our own, but a bit 'in general, young people between us now ex!) has also talked of our other pseudo-former colleagues. What does it do? the other as it is? Even if that other is gone? and it just so happens it was also the birthday of one of our fellow snacks (ex for me, pseudo connects to him) why I decided to make some biscuit-shaped ladybug .. After coffee deliver the package and hugs and kisses you goodbye and it was agreed for the next "working lunch" (we work we only have a breakfast, please do not Take away anche quelle!!!!). Prendo il pullman e poco dopo mi assale una nostalgia devastante...sì, perchè per quanto il mio ex-lavoro fosse uno pseudo-lavoro, io ho avuto la fortuna di trovare dei colleghi veri con cui condividere almeno una risata al giorno!!! Di quel lavoro mi manca la spensieratezza con cui mi svegliavo per andare, la consapevolezza di non guadagnare nulla che mi permettesse di sentirmi sollevata, ma tanto dal punto di vista umano.. Mi mancano le risate e le figuracce, i caffè (anche tre al giorno) presi per stare insieme e chiacchierare, mi mancano le occhiate complici, quelle con cui ti capisci al volo e con cui riesci a spettegolare e sì, anche solo con uno sguardo!!! mi manca avere trent'anni e sentirmene 20 come it happened a few times last year. I miss smiling or take the bus turn the corner knowing that I find someone to smile again, I miss them in a pseudo-business, in a pseudo-human because we still see every now and do not miss those eyes, those eyes and those rumors that both have given me and give me more. Today, thirty years I have always, and yet I feel in the morning around 80 when the key in the lock and has a small dog to welcome me when I see that hideous snarling runs in a kennel when not bite! I feel alone in a house too big and although I am complicit glances to the washing machine, she does not know how to gossip with a look (I could teach him !!!). The only pause that I allow myself is my yogurt-lemon taste of the lean-to gulp 10.30 thinking I still have to wash those dishes, ironing clothes and watering plants .. Fortunately, the cheerful little picture is sometimes moved by resourceful grandmothers and innocent children that when they ask you how old you are, right after you make thoughtful and added: "But thirty is more or less than 5 years??" :)
I like to think that in my future pseudo-pseudo find a new job where he earns so much and working little, with all my pseudo ex-colleagues, cute dogs and washing machines that cute smile at you with the look! while I wait, I miss them a bit '...

Coccinelle hazelnuts and almonds
(recipe Sabrine with the addition of nuts)

200 g of flour
60 g almond flour (50 g I +30 / 40 g ground hazelnuts )
20 g di cacao amaro
100 g di burro
80 g di zucchero
2 albumi
1 uovo
1 bustina di vanillina
1 pizzico di sale

Setacciare la farina con il cacao e la vanillina. Aggiungere la farina di mandorle e nocciole, il sale e lo zucchero e mescolare bene. Sbattere l'uovo insieme agli albumi senza montarli (bisogna solo amalgamarli fra loro). Versare le uova e il burro precedentemente fuso e raffreddato nella ciotola con le farine e mescolare, prima con un cucchiaio e poi con le mani. Formare una palla senza lavorare troppo l'impasto. Chiuderla in un contenitore ermetico coperto da pellicola e riporre in frigo tutta la notte. Per evitare che l'impasto si attacchi o si scaldi troppo, bisogna lavorarlo rapidamente e su un piano ben infarinato. Una volta data la forma ai biscotti, i o li ho riposti in frigo per altri 30 minuti per essere sicura che mantenessero la forma e poi li ho cotti in forno già caldo a 180° 10 minuti per parte. Sabrine raccomanda di non farli asciugare troppo. Una volta cotti, li ho lasciati raffreddare e decorati con il fondente di zucchero.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fleshy Warts On Knuckle

A box full of flowers!

Questa torta mi è stata richiesta da una carissima amica per l'anniversario dei suoi genitori. La base è una torta allo yogurt, farcita con crema chantilly e fragole. Le decorazioni sono in pasta di zucchero, i fiori in sugarpaste (per preparare la sugarpaste si può aggiungere mezzo cucchiaino di gomma arabica al fondente di zucchero per renderlo più resistente).
Sono orgogliosa delle mie orchidee..... (sono gli unici fiori che mi sono venuti come volevo io!!!.....)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pinching Pain Below The Navel

"Next Time" Darren! "

Questa torta è per un appassionato di campeggio.....
E' una torta allo yogurt farcita con crema al burro al cacao e ricoperta di crema al burro colorata di verde alimentare.
Gli alberi sono dei coni da gelato ripieni di salame di cioccolato e decorati con crema al burro.
Per la tenda invece ho preso of biscuit, I have "stuck" with melted chocolate and then covered with sugar paste. The bear (who is feasting with marshmallows), bees and ladybugs are sugar paste

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pandora's Box Tea Combinations

A quattro mani...

Era Pasqua dello scorso anno, bloggherellando avevo visto uova di Easter you people (and I miss!)
you can not even imagine, and so, as usual, I decided to improvise maitre chocolatier at the expense of the poor Nanni who has suffered:

  • my insults
  • E 'was bombed by my e-mail at all hours of the day
  • E 'was the one who, for one, has seen the birth of my egg Gormiti white (because it did not want to break away from the mold polycarbonate).
egg before I decided groped with the chocolates, and once bought the mold I made all the mistakes that should not be made with chocolate, yet when I had processed more shiny bald head of Mastrolindo. The second time (the beginner's luck is like the lottery, when you attend!) I obrobri of chocolate pudding, all white and all too broken, did almost no way .. Nanni was obviously bothered again from the top of his skill and he draws out all the secrets of the "perfect shell". Having transformed a number infinity of chocolates of uncertain origin and have nausea only say the word 'chocolate', I had to give up my company in the "perfect shell" cause hot (yes, summer was rapidly approaching!). Last week in the midst of spending a Saturday arrives unexpected phone call: "Hello beautiful, I saw" Chocolat "and I thought of you!" Honored .... "You do know that the chocolates, you teach me?" I do know that chocolate is a word very, very big .. (I regret not having taken the stencil with the dinosaurs because after the egg, you know that the chocolates Gormiti bijoux!:)) I accepted immediately because it seemed an opportunity to put into practice Nanni's advice, spend an afternoon and then because in my heart we just hope that at some point Johnny Deep would have materialized in my kitchen! But what happened was a spell .. (Johnny Deep he has not seen it), we transformed all the chocolates without losing anyone, man of the mountain said yes (because I do not know yours, but mine always says no, or at most says "short" ...) and the chocolate subjected to the arduous test of 9 did a fabulous "Crock" that left us astonished and enraptured I miss Mozart had before! This afternoon I thank Simon for his enthusiasm and desire to do and experience, for being an excellent collaborator, per aver intrecciato le sue mani con le mie, ma soprattutto per la piacevole compagnia.. Last but not least ringrazio Nanni che, con taaaanta taaanta pazienza ha provato a raccontarmi come temperare il cioccolato e restare lontana dal mondo dei Gormiti di cioccolato...

Cioccolatini alle nocciole

200g of dark chocolate
15 hazelnuts

Break third of the chocolate bar 200g and dissolve in a water bath (the pan containing the chocolate should not ever come in contact with water) on low fire. Bring the chocolate mass up to 50 degrees, remove the saucepan from heat and cool the melted chocolate with the other side of the tablet previously fragmented, stirring quickly and bringing the mass up to 28 °. At this point, return the saucepan on the stove until it reaches 31/32 degrees. Pour into the mold to form the shells. The Nanni suggests filling the mold and then empty it, I used a brush (the risk of creating a solid little nuts: I went well!) Since the last time I had the chocolate on the Ceiling! Tap the mold on the table to remove any bubbles air and place in refrigerator to solidify covered with greaseproof paper to protect it from moisture to about 20 °. Then put the nuts in the shells now solid and the other to fill the mold with tempered chocolate. Tap again to remove the air and put in refrigerator to solidify for approximately 20-30 °. Turn out gently.

extra-dark chocolate with cinnamon hazelnut fillings

200 g of extra-dark chocolate
50 g chopped hazelnuts
cinnamon to taste

third Break 200g of chocolate and melt in a double boiler (the pan containing the chocolate should not ever come in contact with water) on low fire. Bring the chocolate mass up to 50 degrees, remove the saucepan from heat and cool the melted chocolate with the other side of the tablet previously fragmented, stirring quickly and bringing the mass up to 28 °. At this point, return the pan to the fire to reach the 31/32 °. Tap the mold on the table to eliminate any air bubbles and place in refrigerator to solidify covered with greaseproof paper to protect it from moisture to about 20 °. Then Solid fill the shells with chopped hazelnuts and melted chocolate mixed together.
Fill the mold with tempered chocolate the other, tap again to remove the air and put in refrigerator to solidify for approximately 20-30 °. Turn out gently.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Masticatory Muscle Myositis In Dog

Cake "satin"

I would particularly like this cake because after many attempts I finally managed to achieve the "satin stitch" a sort of "tube embroidery" in real ice. Toba Garrett is the master of this technique, which looks very much like a real embroidery. The times are very long, but obviously the result is very satisfying .... For roses instead (sugar paste) I was inspired by the beautiful creations of the New York maestro Ron Ben Israel.
Last but not least, this valuable work is entirely dedicated to my mother's birthday .....

Famosasmexicanas Follando

cake and cupcakes "Chic" Skull cake

To me these cupcakes are inspired by a book by Peggy Porschen, who makes cakes really chicchissime!! The cake is combined. All for the birthday of a dear friend of mine!
The decorations are sugar paste icing while ricamini are real. For the cameo I used a silicone mold arrivatomi England ....

Difference Between Genital Acne And Warts

This cake was made for a disco party. All are decorated in sugar paste. The image of the skull is taken up by hand with a pen food