Il mio primo incontro ravvicinato con un "Bretze" è stato circa due anni fa, in Germania naturalmente.
Era il secondo giorno della mia avventura tedesca semestrale e mentre tornavo insieme a Marcolino da scuola all'improvviso lui si ferma, mi guarda e dice:" Flavia? che ore sono?" ed io "Sono le 5 Marco."
"Ich bin hungrig, möchtest du eine Bretze? Ecco.. mi ritrovavo a thousand thousand miles from home, in a September that seemed to December, with an Italian child outside but absolutely Kraut in and did a tremendous effort to try to show off the best of all teachings of Frau Vitali, I swear that I have taken the utmost care to understand what I should want in that moment, but I did. I sensed that it was something to eat, because I had understood that he was hungry! When I asked for a second time to repeat, he looks at me with a typical accent Kraut with his deep eyes and says, "But then you do not know German!" Hit and sunk: Ego destroyed, but just because the studio for 10 years .. "I want this or not Bretz?" (He used to Germanized also the kind of Italian words, so as "Bretz" in German is a feminine word in the vocabulary becomes marcolino in Italian!;) "No Mark, I do not know what is! " Suddenly his eyes light up and begins: "But the Flavia Bretz is a very good thing .. you have to try it: I buy it?" Here ... go to the baker and magically find myself in a tiny shop filled with these "Bretzel" which are those classic savory chops covered with salt, the taste is very similar to our savory Alsatian, only they are made of dough similar to bread. In Germany they eat them for breakfast, fried food and beer: a cure! Then there are stuffed desserts and even iced, of course, need not add that I have seen them also filled with sauerkraut and sausages ...
When we go to the baker, a zero for Marco, I ask: Marco?? but what kind is "Bretz"?
him and with extreme simplicity, that only children have, he replied: "Women, Flavia," die Bretz, "Hast du verstanden?" And why not! all clear now .. Here, exactly two years later, while wandering around happily in the shop Monica & Roberto , I saw the stencil, however, from biscuits .. a moment of nostalgia I turned in una bimbetta capricciosa e mi sono detta: Lo voglio! : )
Frollini all'anice (senza lavanda)
(ricetta di Sabrine )
50g di farina bianca 00
50g rice flour
40g sugar cane
50g butter (cold from the fridge)
1 egg
1 teaspoon anise seeds (I have plenty)
2 teaspoons of lavender flowers (I deleted)
Versare gli ingredienti secchi nel mixer e azionarlo per miscelare le farine. Aggiungere l'albume (tenere il tuorlo per la spennellatura finale) ed il burro freddo a pezzettini ed azionare di nuovo per 5/6 volte, per pochi secondi. Raccogliere l'impasto con le mani senza lavorarlo, avvolgerlo in un contenitore sigillato da pellicola e riporre in frigo per almeno un'ora. Trascorsa l'ora, formare i biscotti, porli in una teglia ricoperta da carta forno, spennellarli con il tuorlo diluito in mezzo bicchiere di latte (Sabrine raccomanda mano delicata!!!) e cospargerli di zucchero. Mettere la teglia di nuovo in frigo per 30 minuti (biscotti + croccanti, svela Sabrine) e poi bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes until lightly browned.
Marcolino |
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