Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are Kryptonic Skateboards Good

To be continued...

Looking carefully my last pie imperfect "and making her a thorough X-ray I realized," Alas! " she looked more like a ball covered with chocolate .. Then I started studying and looking closely its work I realized that a cake to have a decent appearance must have a flat, not spherical. Also from she I learned a few tricks on how to make something like a flat cake and I ventured into my semi-sponge floppy! :)
This time by repeating the X-ray, I noticed that my cake had abandoned its spherical appearance and had acquired decorative boards (MIRACOLO!!) That the other did not .. Let's say that my cakes were literally "on-bordiche! Although the appearance has improved, from clever clumsy I made too many mistakes this time (but wrong !!!): For example you learn while having tools and equip only after applying the fondant on the cake I found that goes well in the first trimmed surface and on the edges and then cut. In my "masterpiece" I entered the battle for hearts cover the curls of pasta).

Since then, I had not I thought of butter cream to cover and fill the sponge with the jam without sugar not recommended!! The one I used was pretty much like a fruit compote with a lot of pieces (I think I bought the only one with such large pieces of fruit!), So I did a little 'hard to roll out the dough uniformly and the cake has been a bit soggy and lost jam here and there (in fact the cream butter and jelly are the alternatives listed!). Considering, however, that the cake had to be just a trial and instead I decided to dedicate it and give it away anyway, this is the least important detail. Of the sponge are very happy almost .. the most visible result of a sagging in the center which I think is because I have not built properly in the flour mixture. I mounted the eggs and sugar for 20 minutes by the book, and then I added the flour from bottom to top several times but ... once paid the flour mixture into the mold was not well mixed (now I know what it looks like the ill-mixed flour!). On the other hand, however, from Marjlet I found that dusting the pan with bread crumbs instead of flour, the cake does not make the "crust" on the edges and in the center but remains soft and smooth:). Also I am now aware that if one decides to make a sponge cake does not have to do to your liver for the funeral because of the numerous eggs, but can also be realized only when using a die with three little like mine (20 cm) and even if limp, always a sponge it! :)

sponge "floppy"

3 eggs
90 g of flour (the net I read that the right ratio sugar / flour is 30 grams per egg)
90 g of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Beat eggs and sugar with a pinch of salt for 20 minutes until the mixture is that "he writes." Now add the flour sifted several times with movements from the bottom to the other for not removing the egg mixture and sugar. Pour the mixture into a buttered mold and dusted with breadcrumbs and bake until the edges in a preheated oven for about 30 ° to 160/170 ° (toothpick test is always recommended!). Once baked, let cool and keep covered with foil remarried for 24 hours (Avendo fatto tutto in due ore io ovviamente questo non l'ho fatto!!!ma lui era già floscio però!!!)


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