Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Names Of Herbal Laxative Tea

C'era una volta... una torta imperfetta.

begin to imagine this cake already back from vacation .. I guess all colors, patterns, dimensions and even the kind of sweet: there shall be inscribed in a hidden corner of my mind. I decide to try the technique of patchwork cutters, the network I see beautiful things and I think I can achieve in my own little things, not beautiful, but cute, come on! (Poor deluded!):) I can tell then, I see un video su youtube e la questione sembra un gioco da ragazzi, "Facile!" penso "come le formine del didò!!" Scelgo il decoro del patchwork e vado a comprare tutto l'occorrente con la consueta gioia che accompagna ogni mio acquisto "pasticcero"! A Monica faccio tutte le domande del caso e lei mi racconta di come una sua cliente riesca utilizzando anche il fondente ma che la gum paste è quella più indicata per utilizzare i patchwork. Fondente VS Gum paste. Il fondente costa di meno (sento già la vocina sulla spalla della zia Enrica che dice:"Il cuoco non è avaro!!!), allora mi illudo che se la sua cliente ci riesce: perchè io no??? (povera illusa al quadrato!) Inoltre scelgo come cutter una margheritina ed un branch of daisies and poppies: a simple thing, so, so easy that the stem of branch and flower without lens will not even see! I'm going back home happy and full of happy smiles, tools and attrezzucoli and I start to work. The flux has bought the most beautiful thing in the world, remains soft and elastic and no cracks or breaks during the writing .. but the cutters .......... One evening my mother called: "What are you doing??" and I "scribe scribe." She said, "What?" Yes scribe the scribe, in a week I was awarded the certification of a scribe DOCG The petals of marghertite I trimmed them all by hand with the type equip toothpicks, one by one and although I now need the funds glass of Mr. Magoo are visible imperfections galore. In addition, Monica was right, the dark is not appropriate and his client is a myth. Anyone with this patchwork I used to notice that there is no daisy leaves (is broken. In all of them.: () And of course will notice the absence of the branch. ..... The branch here, the branch I did not. If and when I say, I could remove the stencil from the dark, broke in trimming the stem, or if not a miracle of the rod broke, broke the poppy and then I said: "You and I dear cutter we have a score to settle, but not this time and with gum paste." He took it well ... I do a little 'less because my cake looks quite dissimilar from my project, but since it is only the second cake with fondant that I attempt are equally happy. There is time to improve and give opportunities to many cakes are imperfect. There were even those who found it beautiful because imperfect. But the embrace of the party when he opened and the exclamation: "But you made it?" I paid off all the imperfections of the world!

chocolate cake and cream di latte


per la base:
150 g di farina 00
150 g di zucchero
3 uova
100 ml of milk
50 ml of vegetable oil
40 g unsweetened cocoa
1 tablespoon baking

for cream milk:
200 ml of milk
200 ml of fresh cream
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Fit for a long time eggs with sugar until the mixture is that "writes" (more writes, the more the cake will be high regardless of the yeast). Add oil, flour, baking powder dissolved in warm milk and finally the chocolate. Pour into the mold (mine was 20 cm) and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes. While the cake is cooking, in a small saucepan mix flour, sugar vanilla. Apart from heating the milk to the boil and add the flour and sugar by placing it on the fire until it thickens. As soon as the first completely cold cream, whipping cream and put it into cold cream, stirring to mix all ingredients.


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